Hello. Suffering at the moment with my anxiety again. Picked up a cold from visiting my grand daughter a few days ago, and it seems that just about everytime this happens, my sinuses get blocked up, which causes anxiety symptoms for me. Somehow, if I get blocked up at the nose, it sets off a chain reaction for me with my breathing, and sometimes (like now), I start to get that panicky feeling. It's just about 3:30 in the morning here right now, there are no more 24 hour stores open anymore, except the larger gas stations that sell snacks and booze, otherwise I would have gone to a super-market or even a Walmart store to just walk around because it would help me with my sinus issues and help calm me down a bit, seems that the air in those stores helps. I had been blowing my nose all day, and the sinuses swelled because of it, adding to the anxiety. Earlier took a warm shower and ate some hot soup, the steam helps, but it's only temporary, stuffed nose returns. I don't know how common or un-common this is for other people, especially those with anxiety issues, but it really can drive me up the wall. I'm a bit of a health nut, eat only good nutritious food, and take the usual supplements for health. However, with all the different natural supplements out there for nerves and anxiety, are there any really tried and true ones that really work well? I just got back from a short walk around the block just to be outside in the air for a bit, it helped but only for a short time to open up my nose. If anyone knows about natural supplements that really do help with nerves and anxiety, I'd much rather go the natural route instead of prescription stuff.
Real deal with supplements: Hello... - Anxiety and Depre...
Real deal with supplements

hi there, can’t really help with sinuses but for anxiety I use Goli, Aswaghanda. It does seem to help with anxiety to take the edge off and isn’t too expensive. I hope things improve for you with the coming new year. Best wishes.
Hi Mudsey. Thanks for the reply. Is Goli the "brand name" for the Aswaghanda? I do belong to Life Extension located in Florida, I rely on their usual health supplements, I realize the ones for anxiety must really be standardized to be useful and it could be hit or miss. I will look into Aswaghanda, thank you so much.
Have you tried a neti pot for your congestion?
It rinses the nasal passage.
Removes backed-up mucus.
Limits congestion and improves breathing.
Relieves sinus pressure.
Improves conditions without the side-effects of over-the-counter medication, like drowsiness or stimulation.
I wouldn’t say that I get anxiety from a stuffed up nose but it sure makes me miserable. I hope you’re feeling better soon!
most supplements have no data to support efficacy. Since the air in the stores help I would look at the air in your home. There are purifiers that work. You could have a mold problem you don’t know about. Or old carpets and laundry detergent could be the culprit. Homemade cleaning recipes for all purpose cleaning using whole ingredients are online. Those are some ideas.
Hi Blueruth, thanks for the reply. I have 3 air purifiers that run 24/7 in my house all the time, they really do help.
what about carpets and mold?
Hi Blueruth. Most of my floors are hardwood, also no moisture problems for possible mold issues, although I know it can be quite common. I just got back from the doctor and it's a case of sinusitis from a head cold which I probably picked up from my grand daughter over Christmas. They also did a quick covid test which came back negative. Actually feeling better just knowing I didn't have covid(again).
that’s good news!
Hi Blueruth. Yes, it's a relief for sure. I'm actually going to shop for new air purifiers soon, the 3 that I have are from Sears, and now it's tough to get spare components for them.
look for reviews on sites like wire cutter or consumer reports. The good ones are expensive but there also some dogs that are expensive. They spend a lot on advertising to get good consumer reviews but that doesn’t mean they are good.
Hi Blueruth. The three that I currently have from Sears were expensive, I've looked at a few models and makes, and will probably narrow it down to a few models I've seen here at Target's. Trying to find something similiar to what I have. The easier to operate, the better, not looking for any frills or special gadgets, but would like a steady supply of the hepa-filters for them.
I have long been a proponent of neti pots, which are kinda weird but totally help if you get past the feeling that you're drowning yourself.
I recently had a discussion with my therapist about vitamins. She made the case for certain vitamins being helpful for anxiety, particularly the B vitamins. I found a nicely rounded supplement and feel as if my anxiety has been more manageable since taking them. It seems natural that if you have a condition that wears away certain resources, you'd want to replace them.
Eating healthy and cultivating a good gut biome is something I've always struggled with but I'm sure it has a big impact on your health!
hi gbn, sorry you had a rough night with sinuses and anxiety. I have bad allergies and getting a cold just makes everything worse and harder to breathe when laying down. I’ve tried everything and now just use plain saline spray at night to help me breathe and clear my sinuses. I also put one drop of oregano oil in a bottle of water and drink it which helps a bit too. Regarding natural supplements for anxiety, I have tried EVERYTHING available on the market today and nothing has helped. Have spent a fortune on so many and gave up on them for now. Sinus problems and not being able to breathe well at night makes my anxiety worse for sure. I live in a really dry climate so a humidifier by my bed helps some nights. Feeling your struggle with this!

Hi KellyKay, thank you much for your reply. I usually sleep in an up-right position which does help. I might look into oregano oil also. Which brand do you use? As you mentioned there are literally hundreds of natural anxiety supplements out there, trying to get honest real feedback on any type or brand that actually helped. I wasn't sure if anybody else suffered with this type of anxiety. Winter time here in PA. can get pretty cold, as it usually always gets dry also. It's just so frustrating that no matter how careful you are with washing hands, wearing a mask, eating good,etc. you still can pick up something.
yes, there are bacteria and viruses everywhere we go. I’ve been using a mask this winter just as a precaution when I go out. At least we picked up a few good habits from Covid
I use oil of oregano brand: MyKind Organics, Seasonal Drops. Amazon sells it. One drop in a 16 fluid oz bottle of water. It’s really potent. Sometimes I’ll put a drop in my humidifier to help at night. (Although my spouse hates the smell. (I don’t really notice it, but then again my nose is already plugged up, lol!!)
Jut never had luck with any brands of natural anxiety supplements. I took benzodiazepines for years so my tolerance to anything, especially natural products, is probably pretty high. My 82 year old mother can take one Advil and swears it relaxes her. How nice that must be!
Always here for you: we can compare notes on what does and doesn’t work. Best wishes for a happy New Year! 🥳

Hi KellyKay. Thank you so much again. I went to the doctor and it turns out that I have a bad case of sinusitis from a head cold, they did a rapid covid test too which came back negative, so relieved of that, I was worried it just might be that because my smell and taste went south, but just knowing that makes me feel a bit better. Best of wishes to you also. Guess I'll be up late, lots of fireworks going off now!

KellyKay, forgot to say thank you for telling the brand of oregano oil, and yes, If I (or you) run across a true miracle natural anxiety supplement we'll post.
You might check out the book "the anti-anxiety food solution" by Trudy Scott, it has good info on diet and supplements for anxiety/mood. I use to get bad sinus infections and found out I was gluten sensitive so I had to watch my wheat intake. I also found reducing sugar helps. You might also do tests to see if you have food allergies. i use to use a neti pot also but now use a nasal irrigation squeeze bottle that seems more affective to me. I also did a rotation of natural anti-fungals and changed it every week with grape seed extract, neem and oregano oil and MSM coconut oil.
I tried going the natural route for my anxiety but it didn't move the needle but at night I take magnesium glycinate, phosphatidyl serine, and ashwaghandha to help lower cortisol and aid my sleep. Also switching to decaf helped.
Hi designguy. Thanks for the info here. True with what you mention, many allergies associated with wheat, dairy and too much sugar. I try to limit as much as possible. Went to the doctor yesterday and was sinusitis from bad head cold. But it seems only left side of nose seems half blocked. Among other things prescribed by doctor visit she prescribed flonaise to help. Funny thing is if I go from the first floor up to the third floor in my house, my nose seems to open up a bit for a short time, yet when I go to sleep it seems to clog up again. I sleep propped up. Moving around during the day seems to help also, as well as having a hot cup of brew a few times when I first wake up. Seems like I take the same supps as you, I really like magnesium glycinate. I haven't tried the flonase yet, just a bit apprehensive, but it might help?
My wife uses flonaise and it helps her. The other thing I do when I have a sinus infection is to keep my bowels moving by eating soups and bone broth and taking tons of vitamin C. I've even found a powdered vitamin c with nothing else in it that i mix a spoonful with some water and drink it. I also do an enema if things aren't moving. Hope yours clear up soon, they aren't fun.