Can't Deal With The OCD, Anxiety? How... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Can't Deal With The OCD, Anxiety? How can I finally get rid of most of it?

12 Replies

All my life I've had anxiety, as a kid my parents noticed from a young age. Growing up I hated my anxiety to the point I lied about not having it when it was blatantly obvious. During elementary I remember seeing these special ed counslers, and they would come and get students, that needed the extra help as far as I can remember, I just remember ut making me feel worse and it went downhill from there. I was also dealing with my sexuality which kids had always assumed and I still to this day think my anxiety is to blame. I can't let go of the past teasing, bullying. I am acting negative to this day because of it. Ive taken meds for OCD and anxiety, talked to therapists and still nothing. I obssess over the past. And I am scared the reason why i do it, is becaise my life is so empty, its just unreasonable stress. I am currently in training for a job and as much as I try to be positive the negative thoughts overwhelm the positive. My parents always mean well, but it just sucks when they tell me my I don't have real problems to worry about.

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12 Replies
youn profile image

im feeling exactly this way i was never like this until about a week ago i think i have OCD and my anxiety is making matters worst for example its like missing with my sexuality like ive always like girls and now i have constant thoughts that im turning gay or some but i dont want to be gay i dont know why i feel like this but its making my life hard i dont do much activities anymore such as hanging out with friends and stuff

in reply to youn

For me I dont necessarily think my anixety is changing my sexuality, more making me act in ways that I do not like.

GABA might help also omega 3 fish oil capsules are essential , some people swear by 5htp , taurine also theanine - look into these supplements and start with small doses - except for the fish oil capsules you can have up to five a day - bear in mind I don't mean fish liver ie cod liver you can't be so liberal taking them

My daughter suffers from anxiety and she is always looking back regretfully too, maybe she has aspergers she is waiting for a diagnosis have you considered aspergers

I hope things get better for you

in reply to lillyofthevalley37

Honestly never considered aspergers. My main problem is I personally see myself a different way than everyone else does.

in reply to lillyofthevalley37

And I just remeber little details about everything, a main reason I was diagnosed with OCD.

lillyofthevalley37 profile image
lillyofthevalley37 in reply to

Maybe you should look into aspergers ?

in reply to lillyofthevalley37

I really don't think its aspergers.

in reply to

Whenever I had been diagnosed with something, there was no mention of a correlation with that. It was ways anxiety and ocd.

I barely missed the mark for borderline.

Sunnidayz1 profile image

Some people dont understand and they"ll never get it.

We do. We are a very supportive bunch. Hang in there.

There are so many wayss to cope and btw w the right therapy & therapist it's cureable.

My advice to you is to start fresh and new. Get the right drs. Look into med options.

In the meantime, use this site to express your thoughts. Meditation helps to calm the mind.

Good luck on your journey.

You are not alone. We are here to help & support one another.


Calm_mama profile image

I am so sorry you are suffering!

I agree with Sunnidayz! You can recover with the right help. I was very much like you Jperez. I fought my anxiety and denied it for so long. I was anorexic, sick as a dog, and still I did "not have a problem". That I recovered from at least that manifestation of anxiety is a miracle and a long story for another time. The OCD component of anorexia is unreal. Long story. In adulthood, my primary care doc put an anxiety diagnosis on my visit without telling me and I called her to have it removed from my record, then called insurance co. to have it removed from their records. I denied and fought for so long! You have anxiety, I have anxiety, it's not as big a deal as we may think it is, and recovery is not only possible, it's probable. I highly recommend everything Dr. Claire Weekes has written/recorded to start. Then find a new therapist who really "gets it". Search under every rock to find that therapist :) Then put in the work. Recovery is slow slow slow, as it should be- there is a lot of thinking that needs to change and that takes time, patience and practice. We can't change our thinking overnight. When you start changing your thinking you will start to feel better. Your behavior will change. Your beliefs and attitude will change. You will recover. We are all here for you to support and hold u up on your journey! Hugs.

Sunnidayz1 profile image
Sunnidayz1 in reply to Calm_mama

Congrats on the success of the inner work you've done!

Inner work is hard work!

Hey an update, today at work I was acting very irritable and I was trying so hard to control it, I've been acting upset over this coworker correcting me on something I did know, its just everyone does that thing differently so I had no idea what I was doing was even wrong.i don't want to be an "ass" to people, I'm stressing over every "perceived" mistake to the point it affects my whole day. I am wondering if this is really OCD and anxiety or is it something else?

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