I got a stomach virus about two months ago and ended up not being able to take my medication. I was on 100mg pristiq and realized it was making me numb. My psych said it was fine to just stop taking it…now two months later I am very down, lost, scared, constantly worried. I don’t know if this is withdrawal from abruptly stopping or relapse. I always thought I was more anxious than depressed but these days I don’t feel like I know anything. I’ve been doing extra therapy and that also feels like it’s doing nothing. I had been on medication and doing therapy years with like no progress so now I’m feeling very untrustworthy of my team. Anyone gone through withdrawal? I’m having trouble coping with the depression happening if anyone has any tips. I’m struggling to eat and do anything. I just want to feel better…
feeling lost : I got a stomach virus... - Anxiety and Depre...
feeling lost

I am sorry that you are feeling worse than you have for a while. My doctor puts me back to the drug & dose that worked for me before coming off the meds.
Unfortunately, there is the usual time lag until you get the full benefit.
There are newer treatments that might help such as TMS and ketamine.
I feel this would be a good time for a treatment review.
Book a long appointment to make a new plan that is going to work for you.
A tip to overcome eating issue is to make up some liquid meal replacement drinks (as used by hospitals).
Best wishes 💜 🐈⬛
thank you for taking the time to reply! I’ve tried talking to my psych about it and she just says there’s no way it’s withdrawal and wants to start me on something else. I’ve been trying to find someone a little more knowledgeable who can help me decide if reinstating is the best course of action. It’s hard when you lose trust in the people who are supposed to be giving you guidance. I’ve been leaning heavily on smoothies, protein shakes, yogurt things like that but it’s so hard.
Hi again,While I am not medically trained, I do know from experience that antidepressants do have short half life's which means there would be nothing in your system by 7 days after stopping. Your psych would be correct in respect of symptoms not being caused by the withdrawal of meds.
Getting a second opinion is a good idea.
A fresh set of eyes and ears can be extremely helpful.
The book by Dr Burns recommended by Loveforall is a good read🐈⬛
Hi Avidreader, I am so sorry you are feeling lost and depressed. It is so hard to ride the roller coaster of meds and anxiety and depression and not progressing, not to mention doing life.
I think yes, you could do a treatment review, or perhaps get an altogether new team. I apologize for beating a dead horse on this site, but I am a big fan of Dr David Burns and his book Feeling Great. He is all about rapid recovery... some can get it, I feel I have bouts of it. Anyway, there are many modalities to try, and countless therapists to visit, and drugs... Don't give up. I got to the point where I had to be checked in to an inpatient center. I got a bit better, got a great therapist and did ketamine assisted therapy and felt the best I ever had in my life. It lasted for a few months but I know what I need to work on. ☮️
doctors will tell you you’re not withdrawing but you probably are! These are powerful drugs that are not meant to just be stopped.
You are stronger than you know! Get a new psychiatrist if they are gas lighting you. There are caring compassionate providers out there to help you.
Everything is going to be okay and you will get through this. 💜💜 but it might be time for some change. I’m actually starting ketamine soon and also seeing a hypnotherapist. I’m right here with you. You’re not alone. I just want to be better as well. But I truly believe God is working for our good.
From my experience most doctors or psychs really don't understand what with drawl is like because they aren't on meds and haven't experienced it. I think that stopping any psych med should be done with a slow tapering off of it over weeks and possibly months to give your body and your mind time to readjust. If you continue to have issues you might get back on your med and then start doing a slow tapering and see how that goes. The other thing is to mentally prepare yourself that there will be changes in your mood and it will be up and down but it's ok and temporary. There is a lot of info on google and youtube about how to taper off meds.
Thank you! I’m considering reinstating at a low dose but the med I was on doesn’t have a lot of dose options so I’ll probably have to find a compounding pharmacy