most days I feel like I’m okay but deep down I suppress everything and I feel like I have no to talk to. My parents don’t understand because they don’t believe in mental health it’s all about religion which hasn’t helped me. I always say I don’t have friends even when I do but it doesn’t feel like it because even they don’t understand. People are busy with their own lives and I’ve accepted that so I’m often left alone. It’s hard for me to form relationships because I have a big heart and I’m nice but people walk all over me because of it. I never know what to say or do it makes me just want to disappear… I feel so unimportant that if I were to disappear who would really care. Life goes on right.
i think I’m lost : most days I feel... - Anxiety and Depre...
i think I’m lost

Yeah I can relate to you. Been told to drink water and that will fix my depression 🫤
Been there, being left alone and forgotten about because of my anxiety and depression. People don't like being around someone who is sad. Made to feel like our sadness is a burden to them. Those friends just disappear.
I never had any friends. All through my school years. I only made friends when I was online. Which is weird to some people. But that is how I made my biggest connections is online through a fan forum.
I used to feel if I were to die that nobody would show up to my funeral. But I've learned that I do matter to someone out. Someone I was kind to in passing and may have played a small part in that person's life. So you do matter! You are worthy of love and attention.
Welcome to HU and we are here for you
Wishing you love and healing 🫂 ❤️
Hi, people that don't experience this level of depression will never understand it. My mom tells me I need exercise, eat right ... She thinks I am choosing to feel like this. Who would choose this? I am glad you are here. Try to find some in person support groups, it helps.
I think I am feeling something similar. But I keep telling myself "the best is yet to come". I am hoping, praying, trying to do small things to make me feel better. Maybe you could try it too? Eat your favourite food, watch your favourite movie... Or try to change the environment. New hobby, a club...? I hope you get better soon 💜
I hope things get better for you, to relate quite a bit; it's really weird how caring about people so much can hurt more than help. Currently dealing with the same thing? Feels like I'm pushing friends away. Always feel the need to wear my heart on my sleeve and people take advantage of that. And trying to explain that I'm getting better just crying a lot is tough too lol
Here's to another day

Here’s to another day and a better tomorrow. It feels better to know I’m not alone and not “crazy” the truth is we are the good people of the world and it’s unfortunate we feel the opposite. Much love to you ❤️
And to you! I was having such a hard time last night. This really helped seeing this, this morning! Hope today goes well for ya'!

I’m glad my words could help hope today started off good for you and continues to ! ❤️
this sounds like I could have written your post. Thank you for sharing .