I was hurt by someone I really respected and loved. I'm trying to forgive and move on. Sometimes I feel sad. I tried to talk to her but she never returned my calls and texts. I don't know what I did. I have to move forward. Thanks for letting me vent.
Loss of friend : I was hurt by someone... - Anxiety and Depre...
Loss of friend

I am sorry this happened. This same thing happened to me many years ago with my best friend. It is still not easy, because I still spend so much time wondering what the heck I did to upset him. Nowadays I try to enjoy my friends but not take them for granted because they may not always be there. I also try to make many friends and so I will not have to rely too much on any one person in my life. That's the only way I know to make sense of it. Sending positive energy.
I'm sorry but perhaps it's for the best. Sometimes we think are friends will be with us forever. But sometimes not. You find out quickly who those people are were you are going through things like anxiety and depression. They stop coming around because they feel like your sadness is a burden to them. Rather understand they cut ties with you. Which is very painful because you aren't aware of it and you don't get any closure. And it's really like a breakup.
I had a friend who I thought I was pretty close with. She was my friend for about seven years. Then I made her angry and she took her friendship without discussing it with me. Oddly enough she didn't take her friendship from those age claimed hurt her the most. She just did it with me even though I apologized. I gave her space and time. After 1 months I messaged her an apology. I never meant to hurt her. And I hope we can talk about it. So I can better understand what I did wrong and how I can do better. Never heard from her. Tried again after some time had pass. And again and then 1 last time.
Sometimes we get people who come into our lives like seasons. They come and they go. We shouldn't dwell on them. Cherish the memories you had with them. And move on after all that's what they did.
However do take your time to grieve the loss of the relationship. It hurts and it's painful. I wish this person handled it a little better than just stopped talking to you.
Wishing you healing and love 🫂❤️
hi, I feel your pain. My sister is doing the same thing to me. All I can say is, you opened the door of communication but if she won’t walk through it there’s nothing more you can do. I used to worry about it constantly, but I told myself I didn’t do anything wrong so why should I worry about it. It’s her problem maybe someday she’ll figure it out. I consciously make myself stop thinking about it. I wish you well.