Hey I really need some friends. I feel so alone and lost. Every time I feel like I’ve made a friend they leave and I can’t stand it anymore. I feel like giving up but I still want to keep fighting.i just need someone to talk to me
Friend: Hey I really need some friends... - Anxiety and Depre...

This is an awesome place to meet friends. I don’t really have any on the outside. I feel like my illness has pushed people away. But people on here don’t do that. Everyone is so loving and caring. I’ve met a few really good friends on here. And it’s nice to talk to them everyday. Anytime you want to talk or become friends I’m here ☺️
That would be so awesome and amazing. I have friends on the “outside” but anytime mention of what I have comes up they quit. I just feel like giving up
Hi to be honest I wouldn't tell people unless they are close friends or you think they would understand. You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to you know! Also you can just drop into the conversation in a very casual off hand way such as 'Oh yes I have anxiety/depression too' if the conversation turns that way. Then leave it at that unless they ask. If they don't fine but if they do keep it light and short. Otherwise as you have found out it can drive people away as either they feel inadequate to deal with it or they have enough problems of their own. Or they don't care enough. Or maybe they get bored... who knows. x
That’s a great advice hypercat! Just casually bring it into the conversation but only with people you trust. Unfortunately people who don’t have mental illness have no idea how we feel and they rarely have good advice. I’ve also let go of some friends because they weren’t very sensitive to the matter and overall were just not good friends. I hope you find this site helpful. It’s so relieving to talk so open and honest with people
I don’t really talk about it much and when I do, it’s with people I’ve known forever but they just don’t want to deal with it. I feel like I’m just too much or don’t belong
Oh fair enough. You said in your post though you thought you were making friends then they left because of your issues. This is a bit different to people you have known forever! Maybe they feel awkward coz they don't now what to do or say? Why not tell them what you would like from them and how they could help you? You could also tell them that you appreciate that sometimes they have enough issues of your own and can't spare any thoughts for you. Do you listen when they bring you their problems? x
What I meant was that I feel like I make online friends and then they leave. Sorry I’m just a mess. I can try and tell them what I want which is honestly a distraction.
Yes I always listen to their problems. I love it when they come to me and ask for help or advice or just a listening ear
Oh online friends are notorious unreliable as that is the nature of the beast. I have lost track of those who have left a site or just disappeared off and never bother keeping in touch. It makes the few keepers all the better though. x
Most people these days are notoriously unreliable. It’s a sign of just how sick & twisted people have become.
PM me if you need me, Quinn.
I wouldn't say that actually as think most people are fine. Cyber friends are a different breed to real life friends and the friendship rules aren't the same either.
Hello, I think I understand how you feel, I have gone thru this for years, a lot of people feel powerless as to how to help. And as already mentioned, a lot of people have so many problems of their own, or they do not care. So I keep it to myself unless I am in a safe place to talk about it. I recommend support groups if there are any in your area, they are usually free. Group therapy is wonderful also. NAMI is a group you can check out, they are free and are world wide. Our illness can make us feel lonely and unloved, but not when you come on line here, we respect each other, are supportive of each other, and give each other love and encouragement, so do check us out. I send you love and hugs. Sprinkle 1......xx
Hi Quinn, I come to meet people on this site too. I know how it feels to be lonely so we can keep each other company. Love to you
Can understand how it feels when someone whom who consider friends leaves you.
Im here if you want friends😊😊😊😊
Ok good. I'm here all day. Cooking chicken playing with my dog, video games and drinking tons of water and tea. Your friend