Wherever I go I feel awkward. I feel that I don't fit in and that my body language isn't satisfactory....I feel like I can't relate to people or talk to anyone without them talking to me first....did i mention i feel that i have weird body language? Haha. What do you think I should do about this issue?
How do I stop being so awkward? - Anxiety and Depre...
How do I stop being so awkward?
When you say weird, what does that look like?
I think the only real way for that to go away is actually finding your own people. And by that I mean people who you actually get along with. And that may come from groups or some type of fan forum.
As for the body language thing, that's more about confidence. You feel awkward in your body because insecure. Because as you said you feel like you don't fit in anywhere. And I have a friend who felt the same way. He was an introvert and his family is extroverted. And his awkwardness is just accepted. That's just him as they would put it. And I think that's probably the same for you. Your family just accepts your awkwardness. And they don't realize you're trying to get out of that.
And yeah he too struggled with the making the first move in talking to someone. He was always struggling to find where to jump in on a conversation. And that's because a lot of things he never experienced. People will talk about traveling and college experiences and he never did. None of those things. Or being in in some type of league or group. Which of course he was never a part of that. And he could never find a place where "hey, I know something and I can contribute to this" moment. Instead people would talk to him kind of like he's a kid, they have that certain tone. It's like he knows they mean well and trying to be nice but it comes off patronizing.
Oh Eric! Have you accepted yourself yet? Just as you are? I feel that's the first step. Do you really want to get into conversations, or are you happier just listening, or not even that - just shut off inside yourself? If you do want to join a conversation, don't worry about starting one - just look interested in what others are saying, and someone may ask your for your contribution. It will be much easier one to one. But it's best to find a person who is open to talking with you and stick with them when you can.
Accept that right now you aren't able to push yourself forward, but keep being with the people whose company you enjoy, and it will come.
i just hate being in a situation where i feel I'm the odd one out and my body language is unacceptable around others
When you have a friend, you will not be "odd one out". If it's clear that you have unacceptable body language, you can either a) take steps to change your body language or b) Apologise if it makes anyone uncomfortable - excactly that: "Just want to say - if my body language makes anyone uncomfortable, I apologise. It's my Achilles heel, and there's very little I'm able to do about it, so please know that I don't intend for anyone to feel ill at ease in my company." You can put this in your own words if my example doesn't feel natural.
Taking steps to change involves practice - on your own at home, and later, in the presence of others - baby steps.
Please look up body language on youtube, just google. It might help you
i've looked at many videos of body language in the past...my type of body language isn't expressed on YouTube...flinching or moving to other people's body language or movements isn't usually talked about a lot on youtube
I have the exact same problem. I wasn't like this as a kid. But year by year it's gotten worse. I look like I have my stuff together, when really I'm an awkward inside mess. I'm better 1 on 1 then with a group of ppl. But I suggest to fake it til u make it. You will still feel awkward, but the more you ACT like you're ok, the more you'll be ok. Make sure to put yourself in "safe" situations so you always have an out, so-to-speak. As far as body movements..if you're standing you can put your hands in your pockets. It's rough, but hiding from the world is harder the older you get. I know from experience. But you owe nothing to ppl you meet and don't know. If your shy, it's OK. Not everyone can be the "life of the party". Give yourself a chance. You are just as worthy as everyone else in this world, only more. Because you are you!!!