My mind is often held captive to rumination and learning to let go can be challenging. I welcome any suggestions. 🤍
The challenge of letting go. - Anxiety and Depre...
The challenge of letting go.
It's hard but I do it for my sanity. I'll forgive but keep my distance.
Hi Sunsetlover19. Sorry, this may not be very helpful, but in my experience letting go of the concept of letting go helps. I think letting go happens organically without forcing it. I just become aware of any thoughts/feelings on the person/situation without judging or saying they’re wrong. If I do become totally embroiled in the thoughts/feelings they’ll work through me, they’ll pass…like clouds in the sky, some are dark and lingering, but they always pass x
Have you listened to, or read anything by the late Vietnamese monk Thic Naht Han? I have now been trying for almost 25 years to incorporate this gem of his: "Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment." Along the lines of what Violetlife wrote, I think the key to letting go is to focus on the present moment. Similarly, but in a vastly different style, I highly recommend the writings of Ellen Langer, and her book the Mind Body Connection. Langer has said that regret is mindless and mindful is fun.
Hello,I'm sorry that you ruminate. I ruminate to the max and it is insufferable! I find that EFT/tapping really helps me with this. There's an app called "The Tapping Solution" that I use quite frequently. If you've never heard of EFT/tapping before, the EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It entails tapping on various points on your face and torso while meditating. There's a whole science behind this. I think the points are called meridians.
I don't know about you, but I get beyond frustrated with myself for doing this. I really hate it very much! I'm learning how to be kind to myself and the way I think.
Distraction is the only thing that works for me. That and a bottle of benzos. 😬
I will share one thing I've learned. Zipping it to keep peace doesn't keep peace.
Hi! Thanks for your reply. I definitely use distraction a lot. I appreciate your feedback. 🤍