Every time I build up the courage to walk away from horrible situations, I find myself going right back.
How do you actually let go? I always admire persons who can pick up and leave because something is not serving them, I strive to be like that. However, even though I know I deserve better I am incapable of leaving.
I think about the person being with someone else and being happy or treating them better. I think about not being able to get another partner or having to start over If I think about leaving my job , I worry about everything that can go wrong as a result . When I tell myself I should not have to reach out to persons for them to be my friends, I worry that I will never have friends and I reach out anyway even though they don’t.
Honestly I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Any suggestions will be helpful 🥹 I know it’s not crazy issues and persons face real struggles that are worse than these but these things consume me so much that it physically hurts sometimes