After brain surgery as I had, or any type of surgery, it can be difficult to get back into life. It takes time and patience. Those 2 words I now hate. But it’s important to commit yourself to get thru the anxiety and depression. Overcoming a major event in life is difficult but it has to be done for some sort of happiness in life.
Brain Surgery Recovery: After brain... - Anxiety and Depre...
Brain Surgery Recovery
Doctor, Unfortunately, the two words you hate, Time and Patience, are what is needed
during a recovery period. I wish you well, I wish you positive re-enforcement in going
forward. More so, I want to Welcome you to this safe and supportive community of
virtual friends. We are here to help you with Anxiety and Depression. I'm glad you
chose to be with us. Namaste new friend xx
heal and recover at your pace and keep looking after yourself. Do you have family or friends that help you out? Always take help when needed!
Unfortunately I only have a mom that doesn’t drive 30 minutes to come to visit me. My friends don’t communicate often. Is see that people are involved in their own lives snd forget those that are in need. I wrote a poem. I’ll send it.
I wrote this poem many years ago.
The light is shining but never seems to stay. Hope continues but eventually fades away. Those who were there are only there when they want. Family of your blood leaves you with a broken heart. Life goes on like the ebb and the tide. But who will truly be there before I have died.
this peom touches on my circumstances too but I have founds friends on this site that help alot
I hope you will find friends on this site too x
Excellent poem. Sums up my feelings exactly!
Best to you on your healing. Just think if you can survive something as serious as brain surgery you can survive anything.
If looking for support this is the place to come to. Everyone here is very friendly, willing to listen, and eager to help. Welcome!