I just recently had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction surgery, as chronic colds and poor sleep, had led to or been comorbid with brain fog and depression. I was cautiously hopeful that the surgery would be a game changer, and I am still hopeful, but I am so incredibly miserable. I ended up back in urgent care after surgery due to brutal headaches and chest pain and have too many medicines, but I just want to hit fast forward six days when I have my followup with the surgeon to get the splints removed. Watching TV is painful. Audio books and books hurt. Even being on my phone for more than couple minutes hurt. I need to learn to tolerate the pain and the bloody discharge but I feel so broken and beat but I can't sleep. Does anyone have any guidance for getting though post surgery recovery? Thanks!
Suffering post surgery : I just... - Anxiety and Depre...
Suffering post surgery

Hi Sunrisetabby, it does sound like a brutal surgery. If I've learned anything from surgeries,
it's that I must keep my mind in a positive mind set knowing where the pain and discomfort
are coming from. At least there is an end to the post surgical pain as you heal.
I do my meditation to reduce the pain levels as well as to relax my body. Any trauma our
body goes through will be less by reducing the fear. Wishing you more comfortable days
soon as your post surgical visit is over. My thoughts are with you during this difficult
time. We're here if you need someone to care and comfort you xx
Hi, I’m actually in hospital at the moment after major abdominal surgery, so. I know where you are coming from, everywhere hurts, they all say you are doing well, when I feel like ***!!!
Trying to sleep is a nightmare , and it’s all just too much sometimes , the only thing we can do is try and think positive ,, I’m thinking of you x
Hi Sunrisetabby,I feel for you suffering your post-op symptoms which sound horrible.
A wise doctor once told me he thinks no less of a patient who valiantly soldiers on or the person who asks for more meds e.g. painkillers.
I have been both of these as a patient but lately more of the latter. An older and wiser black cat 🐈⬛ 😃
That sounds awful. Sorry, don't have any advice, but wanted you to know I empathize and hope you feel better very soon.