I hate feeling lonely or just existing. I may have a purpose in this life but I just think with all my extreme social anxiety,phobias, self confidence issues and tend to get sad here and there that I'm just something my family has to deal, my family cares about me alot. But I still feel like a nobody with alot of issues. God got me through alot. I count my blessings but I deal with this mental disorder everyday, so I'm gonna feel like this from time to time, I can't helped it sometimes. I'm just venting and getting this out. Sorry. Sometimes I'm afraid to post. I'm trying to brave through it. But still. I'm trying my best everyday to be a better person for God. Sorry for this weak moment I have alot on my mind.I pray you all have a great day or I pray you will soon! God Bless! 🙏
I struggle with myself alot.... - Anxiety and Depre...
I struggle with myself alot....

There is nothing to apologize about. It is not a weak moment. On the contrary, it is very brave of U to come on HU and express your feelings. I work 7 days a week. Sometimes, I’m exhausted. I’ve come on HU and vented. I’m only human. Fortunately, here U as well as I will get the support we need. Please don’t beat yourself up. We’re here 4 U.
There is nothing to apologize for.
The purpose of the community is sharing so we can support each other.
This life is a rollercoaster ride. I hope you have more ups than downs.
Thank you! I appreciate the support. Makes me feel less alone, it's still difficult for me I still have my issues that tend to kick my butt. But this support helps a little. Thank you!
I've had my butt kicked for a long time. I totally understand what you are going through.
Support from people who understand is so huge as it validates what we are all struggling with.
Keep pushing forward and never feel afraid about posting. We are all here for you. You don't have to go through it alone
Hello Shield_Of_Faith, thank you for your prayer and blessing. All of us feel lonely & struggle with life, our mental, physical and spiritual health at times. You don't have to be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you're not as much of a burden to your family as you think you are You wrote that you think they care for you so there must be some evidence of that belief. We all have issues, we are all imperfect beings. Only one I know of is God, and we're not Him.
You came to the right place to vent and get it out. We've all been there & we'll listen even if it's 70x7!
Brave it through with us supporting you! Keep posting, one-day some in this safe place with say or write something that rings true for you ~ maybe it will be your answer, will it could happen you know? We all have our weak moments, thank God He doesn't hold them against us.
I would like for you to try this everyday for 3 weeks and see if it doesn't lessen your anxiety, help your self-esteem and lighten your mood. It worked for me. I taped them to my bathroom mirror, and I looked at them at first as I brushed my teeth, combed my hair & shaved. I recited them in the shower. I remember that one morning I was in the shower I broke out laughing as I said them, because I was so broken that I didn't believe them. I did this one thing for 3 weeks, very soon I came running out of the bath room, reeled right through them. Now I believe them! There's nothing magical or supernatural about the words, but your belief in them brings them to life for You. Ready buddy; 1) As I was born, I was enough. 2) As I was born, I was full of worth. 3) As I was born, I was precious!
That's it, you might laugh as they might not reflect who you think you are, but just give them time. I'll be here and so will the rest of us.😉

Thank you! Yeah that does sound like that could work. I appreciate your your time responding to me! I know my family cares about me I just hate having to bother them with my panic attacks, ER visits, my constant questions fueled from my what if thoughts. I'm exhausted of myself I can't imagine how my family feels. But again thanks for responding!
Hi Shield, Pleased you found the courage to come on here and speak to all your friends. Sorry to hear you are having a bad time, but you need to vent and get it out. To know others are going through the same helps to get you through. It is a big deal to cope with at times, but hopefully this downer will pass again and you will feel more positive and your mind will clear. We all have weaknesses, not just us with mental issues, although it feels like it at times when you see others who appear to be happy. Keep strong and carry on. Jesus is with you. Psalm 23. He walks with you THROUGH the dark shadow. Remember his light is far too powerful for this darkness. Like the sun comes through the clouds on a dull day. Yeah? Take care. Love and prayers.
Yes I feel a little better talking on here with amazing people! And yes your right Jesus has gotten me through ALOT of dark times! I appreciate your kind words and yeah I'm feeling a little better at the moment. Idk when I might start feeling down or worried again but I'm thankful for your understanding! God Bless!