I have been really depressed for the last two years. I have been diagnosed with treatment resistant depression. I have tried 10 different medications, I do weekly therapy, see a psychiatric NP and I have finally resorted to ECT until my insurance company stopped paying for anesthesia. I can't afford to do it without insurance covering anesthesia and you can't do ECT without anesthesia. So... I looked into TMS and Ketamine which I do not qualify for and no one will give me because I have bipolar disorder and TMS could send me into a manic state and I'm a recovering alcoholic and ketamine could make me relapse. The Psychiatrist who does ECT on me is trying to fight for me to get that because it seems to be the only thing that helps me. I have a call into my doctor and my therapist doesn't think I should do ECT she thinks I should change my diet to the Keto diet which is the new rage. I'm just so frustrated about all of this. I am also looking for a new therapist. One who is DBT trained and can work with me on that. No one is calling me back though because all the practices are full. It's just so annoying and tiring. Sorry this is so long.
Finding the Right Treatment - Anxiety and Depre...
Finding the Right Treatment

Wow, it sounds like you've been through a LOT. I hope you can get your insurance company to work with you on this. I've had to call my insurance company several times for help because no one seems to take mental health seriously. As for finding a therapist, I think it's hard everywhere these days. My therapist office is closing in June and all of us patients need to find new therapists. My therapist is moving to a new practice further away so I cannot follow her unless I want to drive an hour which I don't. I' meeting my new psych nurse next week and I hope he can refer me to some good therapists. It's just so hard to start all over with someone new. I've been with my current therapist for 14 months. I hope you can find what you need. This group is always supportive and helpful.