Seeing all these success stories people have with different medicines kinda brings me down well not brings me down but jealous that they were able to find a medication that helped them right away. I’ve been trying meds since I was 16 and just can’t find one that takes away the sensations without side effects that also make my anxiety/panic more. I had that genesight testing done I’m going to try an ssri that’s supposedly going to work for me. My doctor wants me to go into it with an open mind but it’s so hard for me to do knowing so many other meds failed me or the side effects. BUSPAR has made me feel so wonky I thought it was calming me slightly at first but then I upped the dose and my anxiety and panic greatly increased again and chest pains again so I contacted the doctor they said to lower it so I did my memory has also gone wonky I’m forgetful not sharp at all. The doctor wants me to try pristiq next will see how it goes trying to keep that open mind. As I finish up writing this I shouldn’t be sad or jealous others were able to find a med that worked right away for them we all have our journey and I know deep down talk therapy has helped me a lot just need to find a therapist that will work with me.
Finding the right medicine is tough - Anxiety and Depre...
Finding the right medicine is tough

Hope you find a good therapist Adam.Am starting with a new one myself next week on video call. I need motivation to do things.
Adamj, I’ve been at this many, many years. I can honestly say, I feel, nothing has notedly helped me except benzodiazepines! They can be addicting with misuse, but I thrived with Xanax for at least 20 years as Prescribed! That’s big as Prescribed! I’m not a Dr so remember that. I would go with the the .5 Xanax as Prescribed. It was safe & effective for me for many years. Just something for the hopper. Good Night

Yes, they helped me so much too , the problem is the Drs don’t like giving them even in the short term.
I hope this new med helps. Remember to be patient, it takes a while.
Let us know if the GeneSight testing helped please. I've been wondering if I should look into it.
PS: A Good Therapist is Key
Adamj, it's not just you who has had difficulty in finding the right medication sinceit has always been a "trial and error" process. It's not about the drug as much as it
is about how we all individually process it.
I do agree with your doctor with regards to starting any med with an open mind. xx
Best of luck trying this new medication! I had a genesight test and out of so many drugs, it said I was biologically predisposed to Paxil helping me! 😂
I was on Paxil for YEARS simply because I couldn't get off of it, it has an amazingly short half-life. I thought it was amazing to be physically addicted to a freaking antidepressant.
From your posts, I get the feeling you are putting a lot of your hopes on medications... I don't blame you, but it would be cool if you could acknowledge your own inner strengths to help along as well. I say this in regards to something like meditation or cognitive behavioral therapy, etc etc
I'd be eager to hear how your Xanax affects you!
Stay hopeful, it's taken many people many, many years to find some semblance of peace and yet still struggle with an anxiety disorder. I think it would be useful to look at any (healthy, sane) option available.
Thank you! I use to do so well with cbt in the past but it seems to be so hard to find a therapist now that my therapist ditched me again. I don’t want to rely on medicine I hate it but that’s all the doctors say will help me. This round of anxiety/stress has knocked me down like a lion started back in march. But knowing what I know now I wish I could go back to the beginning and just force myself through it and keep distracting myself but can’t change the past you can only worry about the present. And yeah the genesight thing said no side effects to buspar but I’m getting the really weird ones. Though it did say paxil I shouldn’t take and I did try paxil before the genesight and shit that knocked me down.
You are right. Our journey and our chemistry is so different. I can tell you I trialed many many meds over the years. So if I write I am stable on meds I just want you to know if was.... start, stop, increase, decrease etc for a long time.
I never had that genetic testing. I hope this nails for you. It's great you are continuing therapy.
I hope you get there soon Adam. You have been struggling a long time.
Holding on to hope for you with your new Med.