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Does anyone care if i die or not? - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone care if i die or not?

I care!! Please call 988 or another crisis line. You will be able to talk to someone else who cares.
Go to my profile and press, chat, and type away
I just finished reading the article that you posted

I tried to delete it again bc i feared getting banned
I care Pipo737. I've devoted my whole life in caring for people.
I'd like to Welcome you to a safe and caring support system.
It must tell you something if a crisis line directed you to us.
I'm glad you are with us. Give us a chance new friend. xx
Hi Pipo737. I care. Are you in the U.K. Or the U.S.? How can I help? Are you seeing a counselor and/or taking any meds? We’re all here to listen and try to help.
Yes! We care we are here for you! This feeling you are having is temporary and it WILL end. You will see brighter days. We have all been where you are right now. Hold on - you are needed, you are important, you are loved!!! Do not forget. Hang in there
I’m so sorry that you are struggling. Yes, I care that you’re here. Please go to your nearest urgent care or ER immediately. They can help you. Please do not die.
They didnt help. They left me traumatized.
I care !
Thank you all for your messages. This rly seems to be a place of support.
I care! You are beautiful and loved.
I care!! We are all here to support each other ❤️
We care! How are you doing today? We are here for you.
I feel the same. We really have to get some loving friends into our lives.
I have just found the following on Quora!
Mysterious Facts(Weird) 😲😲💖 ·
Posted by
Alisha Evans
A father before he died said to his son: “this is a watch your grandfather gave me, and is more than 200 years old. But before I give it to you, go to the watch shop on the first street, and tell him I want to sell it, and see how much he offers you”.
He went, and then came back to his father, and said, "the watchmaker offered 5 dollars because it's old”.
He said to him : “go to the coffee shop”.
He went and then came back, and said: “He offered $5 father”.
“Go to the museum and show that watch”.
He went then came back, and said to his father “They offered me a million dollars for this piece”.
The father said: “I wanted to let you know that the right place values you in the right way.
Don't find yourself in the wrong place and get angry if you are not valued.
Those that know your value are those who appreciate you, don't stay in a place where nobody sees your value".
Know your worth.
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Thank you. I posted my question in a lot of places and nowhere people reacted so supportive 😢
Considering most people don't know how to reply to a question such as that, you had quite a few responses. The thing is that if someone on the forum dies, we don't know about it unless someone else knows and lets us know, so you need to get friends you can touch. Writing friends can only go so far. Maybe it's farther, but they are different and we need friends we can stop in the street or cafe for a chat, or even knock on their door.
Your question: "Does anyone care if i die or not?"
Mine: Do you care if you die? Is it pain that leads you to ask that question? Lonelyness?
This is a wonderful, supportive site, as you've seen.
If you're able to share whether you want to live, and what's in the way of accomplishing that goal, we may be more able to help.
I sense a lot of pain behind your question, and I care.
I care. I've been asking myself that exact question lately. So I know how you feel. I don't want to see anyone else in the same amount of pain that I am, bc I know how bad it can get and I don't wish that on anyone. I want you to receive the treatment you deserve, whether that be calling 988 or going to the ER. Do you have a therapist or psychiatrist? You'd be amazed how fast knowing you're getting help, helps.
Thank you. Generally i have a lot of help. It just doesnt feel like it. 😢 Ive had therapists who rly made me feel better. But they are rare. For most therapists all they preach is "care for yourself". What is kinda ridiculous bc they are payed to help me and not to tell me i should help myself lol.
Hi Pipo, unfortunately, therapists and even psychiatrists have only so much they
can do short of medicating you. The rest does fall on our shoulders. Advice from
them only goes so far unless we take action as well.
I've been in the medical field all my life and yet sorry to say that "Anxiety" is still
way out in left field, Oh if you are lucky, there will be the several who truly understand
your pain. They will hold your hand, give you a hug to comfort you. Some will pray
and some will just look at you and say "it's just anxiety".
I hate that word "just" put before anxiety. There is nothing just about it.
We hurt both physically and emotionally and want comfort and not just brushed away.
Embrace those who truly care, they are far and few between.
You are not alone with your feelings. xx
Yes i have truly helped other people in my life. If you truly want to help someone and you know slightly what you are doing then you can honestly invest time and effort into making their situation better. Everyone can do that. Absolutely every human is able to truly help other humans who are suffering or in a bad situation.
My problem is just that nowadays most people just send you to a therapist. And even those therapists who are payed to help you dont give a fuck at all about you. They dont even care at all if you die or not. Its not their fuckin buisness. They sit around and get paid to tell you you should help yourself. So why tf should they ever care for anybody? If you actually confront them about how it is insanely cruel that they dont give a fuck about your suicidal thoughts, then they just tell you that you are being manipulative and that they have to set boundaries now bc it isnt their job to help you.
Everyone could fuck care and truly help me. But absolutely no one does ever.