my boyfriend came over and it’s been nice but I’ve also been anxious. This morning was hard but I did eat breakfast. We are both teachers so we’ve been doing work the whole afternoon. In an hour and a half we are grabbing an early dinner. I’m nervous to eat. I don’t want to get food poisoning from the restaurant. Afterwards we are going to a college basketball game. I’m excited to go but it will be crowded. I know getting out and doing this is important and a good distraction from my anxiety. But I’m still anxious. I don’t want to get sick from dinner or get sick at the game.
I no longer have a sore throat, which is great because the doctor last week told me if by the end of this week (tomorrow) I still have a sore throat, then I need to be tested for mono. However, I feel pretty tired today even though I slept in, which is freaking me out. What if I have mono?
also now worried that my boyfriend will throw up or get sick. He feels fine and doesn’t feel sick but now my brain is just jumping to that idea