Recent: I recently been going through... - Anxiety and Depre...

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25 Replies

I recently been going through anxiety real bad for the first time as well as panic attacks, I've always been an anxious person but it's been so mild its never been a problem, recently for some reason it's been so bad, I literally feel like I'm dying, I feel there's something severely wrong with me like I'm going to die if i dont get help, i feel i need an ambulance or something, I don't feel real as if I'm in a dream kinda feeling, my chest hurts like a sharp stabbing in my heart, I get this weird feeling in my right hand side where the bottom of my ribs are almost like a pressure, I get bad headaches not all the time but sometimes, I feel so sick n have a feeling of I need a poo, I get an overwhelming surge of adrenaline come over me suddenly then that makes me feel even worse, I sweat so bad n feel like I'm gonna pass out, this then turns into a panic attack n I become irrational not thinking properly, breathing becomes quicker and I have an overwhelming feeling deep in my chest like I want to cry so bad like the worst cry you could possible do like a pain type cry but it just won't come out, I shake, I get pins and needle like feeling in my temple's and sinuses, I cant think straight it's horrible.I havent been to work in 2 weeks now because of this, i went to doctors n they gave me medication, it's worked but has also made me worse, I keep now thinking about when the next panic attack will happen and it scares me because I don't want another one as its so intense, I have one after another and its horrible, once it calms down and feels like it's going away it hits me again, that happens for a good hour, the other day I had one at 6am when I left work had to stop in the street but it was a mild one then when I got home I had 4 more, by 8am it was ok n gone, although I was so drained and tired after it I felt so so tired, I hate this so much, it sounds really horrible but I'm glad others have experienced this as I feel better about it, just wish no one had to deal with it as its the worst thing ever, its only just started happening to me so I don't know much about it all, all I know is that it's so intense, that feeling of adrenaline surging through your whole body makes me feel as if I'm going to die, just want it to all stop

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25 Replies
CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

Hello and welcome Lo0P5 to the forum

I know exactly how you feel. I was there myself a few years ago. Before that I was in remission of anxiety. It is possible to get back into remission from anxiety.

Usually anxiety rears it's ugly head because something triggered it. For me it was being diagnosed with a thyroid issue followed by being treated by an Ahole of a doctor. I was in a constant state of fight or flight mode. (Which is where we find you at right now.) I tried going back on my anxiety meds and even trying w**d. Unfortunately that lead to cannabinoid sickness. I had the worst panic attack ever. Which lead me to fear that I would get another. Like you stuck in a vicious loop. I would get terrible shakes, stomach cramps, needing to pee (sometimes the anxiety 💩) and nausea. Tingling of the limbs and sudden adrenaline flashes. Later on I found out it was my thyroid medicine that was doing this to me. I found a new doctor to get it lowered and I no longer have the tingling limbs and flashes of adrenaline.

That adrenaline rush you feel is that fight or flight response. Sadly we cannot get rid of anxiety because it's part of us. Something we need to escape danger. It has evolved with us. Problem is we don't have to out run a sabertooth tiger. We now live in a concrete jungle. We just have this built up tense. Fr some of us it can be triggered by work stress, family stress and sometimes traumatic events.

But I will say this even though it's scary, you are not going to die. Nobody has ever died from a panic attack. I can prove this because well here you are. Anxiety lies A LOT. You think you are going to die and fear going to the hospital and eventually it subsides. Since you have already been to the doctor and checked out and your okay psychically. So now we just have to figure out how to get better at coping with anxiety.

If I may recommend a book called Dare by Barry McDonagh. There's also an app that you can get for free if you buy the book. I found it has really helped me in getting myself back together again. Even though I'm not where I wanna be there yet. I'm also working with a therapist to help keep me moving forward.

Anyways feel free to call this place a safe place. I wish you healing and peace on this journey 🫂❤️ You are correct, you are not alone.

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

I will definitely check that out thank you so much, tbh it's probably due to my past, I was abused by my step brother when I was 4 n that happened until I was 9 I also was involved in gangs n have done things I'm not proud of n have had things happen to me that isn't so nice, so I kinda think all of that is to do with this, my ex left me a year ago now she effed some other guy in my bed n had a kid with him stile all my money and went to Spain with him, I still had to pay rent n everything with no money n struggled so bad, a year later and I still have no money I'm-960 every month, I lone work too n have to spend 2 hours to ride to work as I have no way of getting there anymore n can't get another job closer as I don't have qualifications like most n where I live it's all just care work really n I've done all that, I don't have many friends, I don't speak to people about things, I don't talk to people I general tbh, I hate having to go to work but need to, before I have to leave I get this anticipation that somethings wrong or somethings going to happen, I always feel I'm going to get stabbed again or rushed by groups of people n beaten up, I don't like leaving the house but I force myself to as life still carries on, when I'm at work and I'm having anxiety attack I hate it because I have to deal with customers, not being able to breathe properly n feeling I'm dying all the time with that adrenaline feeling, that leads to panic attacks which again when at work isn't nice especially when customers are there too, it makes me not want to go to work, I just want to stay at home where I know full well I'm safe from anything, but I can't as I need money or I won't be able to live, not going to work for the time I have now has made me feel crap as I've lost money now, so this month is going to be real bad n I know this, which makes me feel anxious n panic it's just a stupid cycle, I have work tonight and I feel shakey and weird, I really don't want to go, I just feel real bad atm not thinking properly n stomach aches painful ribs, headache, chest pain I just feel sh*t

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply toLO0P5

Ahh c-PTSD...I know that so well. I too have lived a similar life.

Sorry you were abused by your sibling. I was only verbally abused by my older siblings and my mom as a child. I often carried this level of perfectionism. And feel bad because I knew I would never make my mom proud of me.

I have done dirt. Hurt people. My dad was in that life so it comes naturally to me.

It's true what they say hurt-people hurt people.

You just described my entire school experience. I hated going to school. Fearing being bullied by my teachers (which I was) and dealing with 💩 heads at school. Somehow that was my fault. But they say you need an education. I tried I really did. But anxiety won in the end.

Now I'm trying to get back to getting an education. Unfortunately my dreams have been deferred. My car was stolen in December. My partner has been working 6 days a week trying to make ends meet. Meanwhile I feel guilty because I can't get a job. Because in order to get a job you need an education. And I don't have one. In order to get one I need money. But in order to get money you need a job. And what can I do with unlimited skill set ? And you're just in this cycle. I know that feeling well. But I'm trying really hard to break that cycle.

I forgot to mention another book that has been recommended to me by others on here. It's called Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes.

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Yh I get you completely honestly, that feeling of you're never good enough, people always looking at you like you're dirt, just seems like bad things always find me, never anything good happens, n when it does it always ends up in something really bad happening so when things are going good I get weird, like whys it so good atm, being physically abused and verbally abused obviously differnt but being verbally abused can be just as bad mentally, so I'm sorry you had to go through that, and it is horrible because you feel like everything is out to get you, I push people away all the time, I fall out with people n hurt people almost like I know I will be hurt in the end anyway so who cares kinda thing, I feel like I'm always gonna alone, I've only ever had 1 gf and she fu*ked me about like that, the one good thing ever ti happen in my life turned out bad in the end, n then the anxiety wins because it was "right" I'm gonna sound like a selfish di*k but I'm glad someone else knows how I feel so they can understand what I'm saying as I've tried speaking yo people n they say they understand but they don't n you can tell by the way they talk to you about it, as sad as it is n I wish no one felt like this it's nice to know your not alone you know, I have rolling panic attacks that can last hours, yesterday I had one from 6am till 8am it was the worst, I'm feeling real anxious about having to go work tonight, I havent slept properly at all either, on and off all night n now I'm wide awake, I just keep thinking I don't want another panic attack it's annoying because that's all that's on my mind atm is the fear of having another one as I don't know how long it'll last n they're so intense, I will also check that book out too thank you, this is the most I've spoken to anyone about anything I'm feeling so thank you for actually replying n not judging I appreciate it so much.I feel so bad today feel like having a joint but that makes me even worse

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Oh also you will get there, you've come this far ain't you, n you don't need to make anyone proud other than yourself, so chin up, be proud of how much you've gone through n where you was to where you are now, one thing atleast is you have someone with you, I literally have no one since she left, I just in this house on my own n it's horrible, you're doing really well trust me, can tell that by the way you talk n explain things

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply toLO0P5

I heard from a pot head friend of mine that CBD works better for anxious people. Cause w**d can make people anxious. Especially if you don't smoke often. Wish I knew that beforehand. I had the worst panic attack in my life because of cannabinoid sickness. In other words w**d was too damn strong 😂

Thank for the compliment. I'm trying to accept compliments without malfunctioning 🤖 😂 You are strong too. You keep plugging away. You keep pushing. I know anxiety can be tiring af. Some days I just want to lay in bed or stay in the shower and never leave.

I often use humor. Which my therapists have told me is often a coping mechanism used by people who are depressed. Which makes sense. Gotta laugh to keep from crying as I always say.

Yeah I'm learning to be proud of the person I am becoming. I say that because I never truly felt like an adult despite being in my 30s. Anxiety has robbed me a lot in life. And I was just starting to catch up in my 20s. Now to start over again is hard. But I'm coming back. I may not be the old me. I'm hoping to be a better version of me.

Yeah my mom was a yeller. Big time verbal abuse. Throughout my childhood. My dad just left me. He was my friend and then he decided other people were worth more than me. After many years in therapy I learned to forgive my parents. I have better relationships with them. My dad is still an idiot but even though he wasn't the best dad. He did stay in my life than my siblings. My siblings had other fathers. Probably why my older JG sister hates me. My dad actually loved me and wanted me. Hers unfortunately realized he didn't want to be a father when she was 15 and took off and never looked back.

I found helping people makes me feel like Im actually doing something useful. Even if it's not huge. But just listening to a person stories. I don't mind being an ear 👂🏽. I rather listen than tell my own story. I know my demons, we're friends at this point. I rather listen to someone else's.

Sorry for the long response time. Got caught up in watching movie.

My escape from the world is movies and games. (If you are wondering the movie is Man on Fire)

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

I feel the same, I listen to others rather than talk about my problems, helping others makes me feel better but after when they're gone I don't feel to good but I'd rather that than someone else feeling like this or worse, it's a messed up world we live in and none of that was your fault for why they treated you like that, you were just a kid you don't know anything differnt, atleast no you have a better relationship with your parents so that's a good thing, I'm glad, it's never good when family attack you like that feels real personal over some random treating you like that, which then makes you feel the way you do, they're supposed to be family you know, so when thi is like that happen it messes with you especially when you see other parents are normal with their kids you feel helpless at times as you can't go to them as they don't care or just shout at you or whatever its really not nice, sometimes having them take off like that is for the better sometimes, especially if they didn't really care that much when they where there, but you toughed it out and you're now stronger than most people because of it so well done to you as most people would've ended it all by now I know I don't know you but proud of you for that 👏🏻 I've always dealt with anxiety from early never been that bad, just anxious before I go anywhere but when I'm there I'm fine that kinda thing but now the past 2 years n it's just gone mental, the panic attacks are frequently happening as well as the anxiety attacks, it's just not nice n when you don't know that's what it is you think you're dying as you know, it's horrible when you have no o e to talk to but at the same time you don't want to talk about it to people which is annoying and weird 😂 makes no sense! Many times I've woken up sweating, dizzy to the point if I stand ill fall over, sweat rolling off my noes, stomach pains, thinking I'm dying n not knowing what's going on, it's scary again when your on your own you think the worst, at least if you're with someone you have that kinda comfort if anything happens there is someone there, I don't mind being an ear if anyone needs to talk as I've been through so much sh*t in life n going through so much sh*t now that anyone needs or feels real bad I'm always there for them no matter, just sometimes I may take a while to reply as going through my own sh*t haha but I will reply always, n don't worry about replying back straight away we all get busy 🙂 or distracted 😂 I do the same too, one thing to take away from what you said to me is that you once got past all this so you can do it! N you will do it, with me it'll take some time but hopefully I'll get there eventually, I mean even just to go to work I wear a stab proof vest just incase, I feel like the one time I don't wear it something will happen I can get you any money, but then that just probably in my head, I just hate the panic attacks, once it starts to feel like its calming down its starts back up again n it's like that for a good 2 hours sometimes n it scares me now, the feeling of the pins and needles in my face and temples, the breathing n the wanting to cry like you've just lost someone but it won't come out, like my body is stopping myself from crying I just can't, this is the thing people don't understand with all this is I've been through some real bad sh*t in life n nothing scares me, but the thought of having a panic attack really scares me, it's the worst thing you can go through if you've never experienced it, it's bad if you have but if you've never had it you just wouldn't understand how it is, like I said imagine being at work n all that starts happening, knowing you can't just go lay down, you can't phone anyone to come in, I cant just lock the door n not allow anyone to come in the garage, you feel helpless, you feel like you don't know what to do, you can't think properly, you feel as if you're doing something wrong when you're not, at the same time you feel like you're dying n you need help, like you're done for, as well as all that you have physical pain like bad stomach pains, stabbing sharp pains in your heart, fast heart beat that you can feel, adrenaline all throughout your body that pulses every few seconds, the pins and needles, the dizziness n sickness, sweating like you've just gotten out of the shower, weakness in your muscles n the cramps like calf cramp but all over, not being able to breathe properly, the feeling of your throat closing, dry mouth, feeling the most nervous you've ever felt but at the same time anticipating something you don't know what tho, not feeling real like you're in a dream, then that turns to panic attack which then you breathe quicker but feel like you can't breathe still, the feeling of wanting to cry so bad but it just won't happen, that deep feeling in your chest, the shaking and trembling, just everything about all this is the worst thing in the world it really is, on top of all that being alone with no one isn't good, I've had thoughts of just ending it all n just thinking what's the actual point in life if this is all its gonna be you know, I've had thoughts of just riding my bike into oncoming traffic then atleast I'm not suffering, I don't get them thoughts anymore but I did at one point, that's why I went doctors, the medication they put me on said will make me feel worse for the next 6 weeks which I've experienced and that is not nice at all, the side effects 🙄 on top of all of that, you worry about money, if I'm gonna be able to pay rent next month as I've had so many days off work, and I'm already minus 960 I'm my bank so that don't help, when I get paid I'll end up with like 800 and that 960 gets taken from the bank so after payday I'll be left with minus 100 before I've even payed anything, so all those sh*it n people just don't understand, so I stopped explaining to people because it's not like they can help anyway n they don't really care, I brought a weighted blanket and thats so nice, you should try it if you haven't already, makes me feel enclosed and safe its nice, I just feel so tired today after yesterday, my eyes are swollen abit too which I need to keep an eye on as that's a new thing, I really don't want to go work tonight, I hate leaving the house. That's a good movie, I was watching pain and gain love that film haha, playing games I've stopped recently since I been feeling like this I just haven't wanted to do anything but watch sh*t on YouTube n lay there 😂

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Also im Sorry for the really long replies

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Also with the weed however you're feeling at the time you smoke it will amplify your feeling, so if you ain't feeling good n someone says ahh have this it'll chill you out, it really won't, it'll make you worse as you now no, I know the feeling you're on about its so bad as you're high as well as feeling all that it's really really bad, I been there too, I've smoke ever since I was 14 people say its the weed that makes me feel like this but it's not I can literally stop smokingbit at any point n I'm fine like I haven't had anything in 2 months now n it dont bother me, so it's not that haha just if you're gonna have some only have it when you're feeling good as whatever mood you're feeling when you smoke will amplify it

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply toLO0P5

I was never a big weed smoker. So that was some really strong herb 😅

I have to build up a tolerance. But I'm to impatient 😂

Pain and Gain is that the movie with Mark Wahlberg and The Rock? I've seen that movie 🍿 Very funny and inspired by a true story. Though the real person didn't think it was that funny and felt he didn't deserve that treatment he got in the movie.

Ive been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 or Yeehaw Skyrim as some call it 😂

Yeah I think we'll get there. To that wonderful place of calmness. And anxiety is just background noise 😊 it'll take work. But I know we can get there. 🫂

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

CL3V3R-G1RL also great advice You are a perfect example of the kind and caring

people that are in this community. :) xx

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image
CL3V3R-G1RL in reply toAgora1

Thank you Agora 1 🙏🏽 that means a lot coming from 1 of the sweetest people I met on here 🫂❤️

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toCL3V3R-G1RL

Thank you dear, you too :) xx


The problem with a panic attack is we fight them.. The more we fight the harder they fight back. It’s an illusion will build up in our mind that’s false. Then we begin to fear the attack, fear the upcoming fear, and therein lies the beginnings of a generalized anxiety disorder.

A wise doctor once told me to challenge that fear… See if it was as powerful as I had given it credit for. Let it kill me if it must kind of thinking. I had tried everything else so I set my mind to letting my attacks do what they may. This seemed like a radical approach but it was worth its weight in gold. Once I began to surrender, the attacks became shorter and less intense over time. Eventually, when I came to the conclusion that I was allowing these attacks to happen. they stopped. Like a video game where you’ve beaten all the levels … game over, you win, and you regain control.

In other words. you are manipulating your own mind. Let the attacks prove to you they aren’t valid until you realize exactly what they are. They are your own worst conspiracy theory in your head. A fabrication.

I also believe the attacks can gradually build up over time and stem from something in our life that isn’t jiving with our true self, whether repressed issues that need to be dealt with or other worries we put aside too often until our fight or flight kicks in to give us a big wake up call. Heal the past issues, love yourself along the way, and don’t feed your fears or they’ll continue to haunt you.

CL3V3R-GIRL has given you great advice too.

Take care of yourself. Wishing you the best.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Hi Charlie4248, great response, great advice to all of us. :) xx

in reply toAgora1

Thank you Agora … I really appreciate that.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend my friend.🙏🤗

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

You too Charlie :) xx

LO0P5 profile image

I don't mean to ignore kre the answers I appreciate everyone that's commented I really do but I'm at work and just had a panic attack, does anyone else get an achy sharpness in their upper middle of their back and chest, I'm so tired too feel I could just fall asleep now, I've sort of felt I was going to have one as I've felt dizzy most the day n not real n have not been able yo breathe properly most the day, now I have this achy kinda pain in the upper middle of my back n chest it's horrible almost like the feeling of sitting slouched for a while you know that achy upper back feeling that's what it feels like, but in the chest it can feel like a stabbing

in reply toLO0P5

Hi LOOPS, can you take a break and go outside for a few minutes and get some fresh air?

Do some deep breathing.

Move your head and shoulders around while you walk.

If possible, splash some cold water on your face.

Keep breathing … focus on something positive.

Listen to some music if you can.

Don’t fight the panic … just breathe.

You’re going to be okay … slow down your thoughts and relax your mind and body.

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply to

I just have this pain in my chest n back, like the middle of my back and chest I've had it all day n all night Its making think stupid things

in reply toLO0P5

No it’s not stupid. Most of us who have had panic attacks are very familiar with chest pains. It’s a common symptom. The middle back pain is probably related from the stress you’re experiencing. Does your work effect your back? What kind of work do you do?

If the pain gets worse I think you should reach out to a doctor though. If you are able to sleep that might do you good too, see how you feel after a nap. Panic attacks used to leave me exhausted, completely wiped out. I understand the feeling!

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply to

Yh over been doctors n hospital n they did an xray of my chest n it's all clear, I n work in a shell garage, when I got home I was so exhausted I went to sleep woke up fine, so the achy feeling in the middle of my back must just be the anxiety or panic attack, I don't mean to be a bother as it's all new to me, i just find it comforting asking about stuff when I feel rough, makes me more calm to know im all good n it's just the anxiety or panic attack, I've not been to bad tonight I've had chest pains n shallow breathing at times n abiy feeling like I'm not real but I've been telling myself I'm fine I've felt this before I'm still here nothings gonna happen haha, if it was something was gonna happen it would have already, obviously when it happens it's hard to convince yourself you're ok but tonight I've managed not to have a panic attack for once, I've just had the feelings of anxiety been shakey n abit tired with abit of back and chest ache but I'm slowly understanding bit by bit that I'm ok really, n thanks to all you guys you lot have made me feel so much better about myself I cant thank you all enough really grateful to have people to actually talk to, you don't understand how much I appreciate it, so thank you so much, we will get through this, I ain't gonna let it control me 💪🏻

in reply toLO0P5


I’m so proud of you! Good job you and so glad you’re feeling better. You have a great attitude that will serve you well..

I experienced the derealization during attacks as well. Tbh, that was the worst part for me. Afraid I might literally go crazy and come out on the other end not knowing who or where I was kind of thing. And this was without w**d! Haha. I used to keep a spray bottle of water in my purse to spray on my face at work just to help me snap out of it before I freaked out in front of everyone around me. Chewing gum also helped me.

There’s so many good resources on uTube you should check out about panic attacks.. It’s worth learning everything you can about it so you understand how the fight or flight system works. It can be genuinely scary in the thick of it so knowledge is power.

Focus on things like deep breathing, meditation, mindfulness, gratitude, and learning to accept the anxiety rather than fight it. Make sure you get enough sleep and drink lots of water. Once you KNOW everything is going to be okay it gets easier to manage.

Lots of great post here on anxiety and panic attacks specifically you can search for and read others stories of what helps.

I have been to more emergency room visits than I care to admit, where I was continually told everything was fine … it’s just a panic attack. When they started to recognize me in the ER, I knew it was time to rethink my approach to the attacks. It’s not a place you want to be on a first name basis with. 😆

Keep up the good work, keep an open mind about educating yourself. and know that someone is always here 24/7 for you.

Again, really proud of you. You got this!

Take care and rest up. xx

in reply toLO0P5

I’ve never felt like sleeping during a panic attack. Definitely the farthest thing from my mind but we’re all different. Sounds like you may just be overwhelmed with stress, exhaustion, and having muscle tension. Stay hydrated and keep deep breathing. It will pass.

LO0P5 profile image
LO0P5 in reply to

Nah not during, i mean after one I feel real tired I've gotta go doctors on 29th so hopefully all good tha k you guys so much

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