I have been sick for about a week now with a sore throat and stuffy nose. I went to the walk In and my strep tests came back negative. They even sent it out and that also came back negative. I have so much post nasal drip. I had been working while feeling like this and thankfully now I have a very long weekend. This morning though I woke up with some mucus outside the edge of me my eyes. I know that’s so gross so I’m sorry. My eyes aren’t red though and don’t hurt, and they aren’t swollen. So I’m thinking it’s not pink eye. I just want to feel better again. This seems like a sinus issue or a really bad cold, in which case I have to just run its course. I’m hoping I get better. Each morning when I wake up I expect to feel better.
still sick : I have been sick for about... - Anxiety and Depre...
still sick

Did you take a covid test? I started with a sore throat on Fri Feb 9 and it turned out I had covid. I'm just now starting to gain my strength back after a week of fever and sore throat. I hope you get to rest over the weekend.

I did and it came back negative. I also haven’t had a fever or been weak or achey. Just a sore throat and lots of post nasal drip and stuffiness
I actually just listened to the Huberman podcast on colds and flus. He mentions that they crusties on our eyes when we wake up are dead bacteria from a battle that our bodies won, so there is that for what it is worth. I have had a lingering sinus thing and my sinus pressure is all screwed up and it feels like my teeth are loose. Does anybody else get that?
I just had really bad chesty cough and had to ask doctor for antibiotics because I wasn't getting any better. They work and I should be ready to work Monday

I’m glad to hear that! I don’t have a cough, thankfully. I just don’t feel 100%
hey Daisy
Well we did talk about you worried about getting sick and it did happen. I’m sorry for that. In my area everybody is sick that I know or has been recently. It’s not just colds, but a lot of allergy attacks too. I’ve had mine for, about 10 days with six or seven at more severe nasal problems and stuff like that but I’m on the mend and so are my family and friends. It’s just part of life
It sucks but we all heal and move on.
feel better soon.
Much love.
Craig .

Thank you so much. I hope you get back to 100% soon. I could keep testing for Covid but I don’t think that will do much except drive me crazy and make me more anxious. I already went to the walk in and they tested for strep and said nothing about antibiotics. I just got some mucinex so I’m going to try that. I just want to be done with this.
I’m on musinex and it’s clearing things up greatly
Don’t we all wanna be done and breathing again. Lol

That’s good to hear! I will try it as soon as I eat something. I feel guilty for not testing for Covid but I’ve had this for about 7 days now and if I have Covid then I’m technically already done with the 5 day isolation period.
Story- I checked on Covid at the beginning of my very nasty allergy attack.
Here’s why. I had a similar alergy attack in December 2022 and thought it was just normally what I get every year and on a Thursday after it started on a Monday I took my parents to an attorney about an hour away. They are elderly 89 and 90 and so that’s two hours in a car with them . later that night I started feeling really really funky and so I took a Covid test and I was positive. Talk about being scared to death and praying my heart out that my two healthy folks wouldn’t come down with Covid.
Great news!
They never caught it. Never have.
Take Ibuprofen
It might be sinus issues. I get it a lot this time. I hope you get better.
I've noticed when i have the post nasal drip and that tends to flare up my throat. I know i end up having phlegm stuck and try to firce it out. Its hard to do but I try not to suck out the phlegm because that can flare my throat. Mucinex helps but also try not to force the phlegm out.
I got permanent sinus best luck u better soon amen