An older lady at my job walked up to me and asked if I would like a bible Journal, I instantly said yes! I believe with everything in me, she bought this bible and God guided her to me, so I could read it. When she was walking out she said God bless you, and I got a sense of pure happiness, it was an overwhelming feeling of peace. God wants me to read the bible, so I started reading it last night. I may not know a lot of the meanings, or words. Google definitely helps me. When my daughter was getting ready for bed, I asked her " would you like to start reading the bible too". She smiled and said (yes) so I gave her mine, the one I keep in my purse. I'm excited for this new journey, not only will it help me understand the lord better, but I believe it will help me understand myself as well. There's a lot of scary things happening right now, and just to have that moment of peace helped clear my mind, it relaxed me so much that I fell asleep holding my bible, that showed how tense I was over everything. Idk if you guys have or read, but I hope you guys do or are willing to give it a try. I think we could all use a moment of peace and self love. ❤
This happened to me yesterday. - Anxiety and Depre...
This happened to me yesterday.

Wow yes I agree everything happens for a just need to hear & take the message....
I'm so happy for fabulous for you...
Thank you for such a positive post at this time ...... we need to all come together...differences & all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May Peace be with you...
Have a beautiful day...
Yes...Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs!

Your very welcome!! I'm so happy this helped! ❤
How could a post like this not help anyone...right?
May you have a fabulous day...
Sparkles & dump trucks uniquediamond!

Yes ...thank you and remember when you love forgiveness goes right along with it....we are taught the Good Book!
May God Bless you!
Sparkles & dump trucks uniquediamond!
How wonderful....thanks for posting ...I’m a Buddha fan myself but good to have faith in something in desperate times 🧘🏻♂️
To not lean on our own understanding, but have peace within and know that everything will be ok ❤
Hope you’re well not seen you for ages ....stay safe 🏔🌞
I'm glad you got some peace from receiving the Bible. We all need peace. It's also great to share this with your daughter.
I'm am a follower of Buddhism. One of the main teachings is to take responsibility for our own lives and actions. Refrain from harming living beings.
This is so important to me as I live my life.
What and how I practice is important to me.
I wish you all the best as you move forward with your Bible teachings.
Stay safe
I studied it in college...I love the philosophy....
Yes, it's a philosophy of life. It has brought me a lot of stability. I still have a lot to learn.
I was very much into the peace and tranquility aspirations at the time, I carried a double major, didn't understand or know anything about depression, it was still the dark ages as far as the field of psychology. I was searching as we all are for understanding. Of course this was the late 60's and early 70's so I was an artist and a hippie of course. I found that my Zen place was when I was throwing on the wheel....the sensation of feeling the movement of the clay was amazingly calming and focused my thoughts. Still to this day when I’m painting, I almost get the same feeling.
Thank you for sharing that story. I enjoy getting to know more about everyone.
I think we all need to follow our own path to peace. It's not a one size fits all journey.
My meditation and yoga practice keep me very centered.
My place of true peace is the ocean.
That's why I'm a dolphin lol.
I grew up by the ocean....I can relate to that completely. I am always seeking out water....lakes, rivers, streams...but my real peace is with the ocean. The sound of waves breaking....but my best water experience came when I used to snorkel. I snorkeled in So.Cal., Tahiti on 5 islands, and in Hawaii on two islands....there's nothing like it in the world....
When we were on a large catamaran going to the other side of Kauai, the dolphins surfed the bow waves, they were so close I could have bent down and touched one....amazing...
I also grew up near the ocean. With childhood being what it was I found such relief to sit there and gaze off into the distance. Knowing one day I would be free.
You've had some great ocean adventures, sounds wonderful.
Waves breaking is such a beautiful sound. The power of the waves and the smell of the ocean, there's nothing like it.
To this day we always plan our local trips to head towards the sea. I am a beach comer at heart.
That's great. I spend a lot of time at the ocean during the summer months.
I'm not sure that will be happening this year. Time will tell.
I just did a meditation on love versus fear.
There are some similar connections between all faiths and spirituality.
I wish we could all accept each other for what we believe in.
I'm glad you found a place of peace and comfort.
So true ...I think a lot of the worlds problems and do see it play out on here with some people is the deluded belief their god is the one true one .....enjoy your weekend
Yes, sometimes I feel like an outcast for what I believe in.
I would never question someone else's beliefs or faith.
We are all unique and have to find our own path in life. I will continue on my path as it's makes me who I am.
Enjoy your weekend also
Stay safe.
What began as a nice post has turned into a debate. Why do we have to do that? Can't we merely allow someone their share without question? If we disagree, what point is served by contention? Just move along to another post. And before you point it out, I know I'm doing exactly the same thing I'm advocating against. So I'll stop now and not reply again.
Your story was awesome.
Thank you very much! That means a lot ❤ I just wanted to hopefully help someone that needed it
You were given something that can have such an impact on your life. I appreciate you sharing your story.
I also thought it was beautiful to spend time together with your daughter learning.
I have a 9 year old grand daughter. We do some meditation and yoga together. I'm trying to teach her that she has the ability to bring inner peace to herself.
I wish you well. Thank you for your post and sharing your responses to mine. It means a lot to me to get your feedback.
That is so beautiful! I'm glad that your granddaughter enjoys doing that with you! Children are such a blessing! I do hope they realize we need them so much in our lives, I couldn't be thankful enough for all the blessings I've received. Thank you again for posting to my post, you've helped a lot of people I can tell. ❤
Was a lovely post and appreciated by many despite religious beliefs enjoy your weekend
Sorry to be a party pooper but sounds a lot like pushing a religious viewpoint to me.
If people want to believe in one of many religions (who knows which one if any is right) then that is up to them.
Wrapping it up in a shiny ribbon to make a point fools no-one so probably best to steer clear of religion.
I wish religion did not exist and we could all just treat each other well based on the fact we are all human and treat each other how we would want to be treated.
People have caused an awful lot of inhumanity in the of name of religion, maybe it's time in light of all that's going on that we put aside our differences and just unite as human beings all living on a fragile planet in a Universe full of many other planets that probably have life.
I don't think anyone needs a book or a manual to tell them what is right and wrong, that's something we know and learn at a young age and have a choice to uphold or not. No amount of religion is going to make someone good, and there are plenty who hide behind it to camouflage their true identity.
I'd rather spend a couple of hours getting shopping for a vulnerable friend/neighbour than sitting down and reading a book written centuries ago about how to live my life.
You are right about promoting one religion over another when someone gets offended by it, and it is stated clearly ' in the sites 'terms of use' clause for the site I believe, unless they have changed it, I was once told by a site monitor that it was up to them what religious posts were allowed, but I don't see them around anymore....The terms did say: no promoting business, scams, religion or politics....because no one ever agrees on the same thing for long....wars are started with words.