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How to balance sadness at struggling to find employment and dealing with a Mother whose volatile moods switch

Roukaya profile image
20 Replies

I have posted on this site many times and after many years I am still seeking employment for an entry level or paralegal role in a law practice or anything by which I can apply my skills set .

Yesterday I saw a medical specialist who seems to have it all a career , a marriage , children and her Mother living with her .

My Mother as is getting older becomes irritable and volatile and until she leaves in three weeks I have to be careful.

I am 54 and so sad at constantly trying and getting no where .

I can only hope to move away from where I live as my neighbours have suddenly stopped talking as if life was not lonely enough .

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Roukaya profile image
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20 Replies
brendonkellyrox profile image


Roukaya profile image

Dear Twinkly

I am extremely sad to hear of your ill health and I hope your appointment with the Doctor will be OK and not too scary.

May be you are very right as I dwell too much on what I do not have .

I cannot say I have plenty of money, I can manage but can do with working as I do not have a pension .

Thank you for your reply

in reply to Roukaya

Hi Roukaya

Twinkly has given you some good advice. I just wanted to add that my understanding is you can build up National Insurance contributions towards a state pension by doing volunteer work - but you'd need to check this out to be absolutely sure that this applies to you.

I know I've mentioned Citizens Advice before, they have paid as well as voluntary roles and with your experience and knowledge.....

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Dear Waiting game

I wonder what inspired you to call yourself waiting game.

I will continue to apply as I have realised I need to keep trying.

Today I was considered for a role but the job required relocation and was not commutable .

I have volunteered for the Citizens Advice and law Centre from 2010 to 2012 and despite my experience, a fellow advisor was promoted because she had close links with the Manager .

How are you ?

in reply to Roukaya

Oh no very sorry to hear that, can you apply again? Things change, don't let that put you off.Sounds like you're really working hard at this, something will come up for you I'm sure. All the best.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

I hope you are you well.I find the name waiting game to be intriguing .

I applied but due to the distance I had to decline.

I do try and living with my Mother is a pressure cooker.

How are you keeping

in reply to Roukaya

Wow that's really good Roukaya that you were offered a job! Consider that a lucky sign of good things to come!

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Good morning

I hope you are well

I had applied for a role in Stockport but as I live in the Midlands I had to decline a possible interview .

I was not offered a job , just the opportunity for an interview and the job suited my skills set

I hope you are ok

in reply to Roukaya

Hi sorry I misread and thanks for explaining.Must still be a boost to your confidence though to be considered for interview!

Keep up the good work and good luck!

Roukaya profile image

Thank you for your kind wordsTo be valued and respected as you have said

Turnipgirl profile image

That's it isn't it nothings guaranteed to anyone in life!

How are you and Prince Pixie getting on?

Today I came home early as I was fed up after an interview went wrong and feel better having had time to myself now.

Turnipgirl profile image

Near us we have the meadows and a nice place called the Hendre lake park as well and a little park with swings for the children to go on!

Turnipgirl profile image

Yes I had blood clots in the lungs a good few years back now but I recovered fully though.

This morning after that interview didn't go ahead I went over to the park across the road from there for a nice walk and to calm down and found it helped.

It was when I was going to get the express bus down to swimming when things kicked off when I got told the day to go plus tickets aren't valid on the express bus so I got the regular one and felt extremely frustrated and decided to cancel swimming for this afternoon and rang them to let them know I was sorry but I couldn't make this afternoons session so they could offer the slot to someone else!

I decided to cut my losses and come home early as I was so fed up and feel it was the right decision as its given me time and space to calm down and put things in perspective!

I'm booked in for swimming tomorrow afternoon as usual and I more than likely will be fine tomorrow after a good night's sleep and time and space to put things into perspective.

Roukaya profile image

Dear TwinkleyI hope you are keeping OK.

Waiting game is a very suitable name and today St least i was considered for a Job .

As you know , I am fifty four and my Mother visits and fasts several days a week and becomes badly irritable and you need the patience to deal with her mood swings.

I hope your illness resolves itself and I hope you succeed.

Do you have decent neighbours.

After seven years the neighbours decided to stop talking

I honestly believe you deserve to be happy and your Home is your sanctuary.

My Mother does not have any idea how offensive or irritable she is and I do not answer back .

I hope I do not complain too much, it us simply to talk

Roukaya profile image

Good evening

I was once told all illnesses stem from the mind .

I wonder if you should rest and trust in the universe to give you what is best for you .

I once saw Santa Claus and he asked I wish for something

I simply asked for a job

As for a gentleman friend , I met one recently who showed selfishness and meanness and I realised I am no longer young but I think we deserve better treatment.

I hope with the appropriate rest you will slowly get better .

Life in our religion is meant to be a test of trials and tribulations as this shapes our character.

All I have is my Mother and I this is why I constantly put up with her anger and mood swings.

Thanks for listening

Roukaya profile image

Good evening

Thanks for reply and understanding

I wish you a peaceful night and I hope your condition improves

Roukaya profile image


I wish you good night and hope to speak again

Thanks for listening

Turnipgirl profile image

There's some nice libraries near us that can't do enough for you that have all kinds of things going on in them!

Turnipgirl profile image

I'm sure I will feel better tomorrow and see them at swimming then!

Had a chat earlier on with my sister in law who said I was right to have come home early after that disaster of a job interview this morning and replace it with a walk round the park and how things can get a bit much and mount up if you aren't careful and perhaps I wasn't meant to have had that job there!

I do feel this morning was a valuable lesson in not going to that employer again and in the future should I get the 30 run by the cardiff bus company that it isn't valid on the Newport Bus X30 express bus that goes straight to swimming!

I think by accident the driver on the X30 did me a favour doing that as he stopped me accidentally from having gone to swimming and lost my temper there!

Downinil profile image

You are a true benefit to this forum. Thanks Twinkly!

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