I have lived with anxiety it would appear my entire life and never saw a reason to move past it. Coming to this point in my life it's long over due. I hope reaching out I can get advice and help to move forward in my life to reach goals that until now seemed unachievable.
Anxiety : I have lived with anxiety it... - Anxiety and Depre...

Anxiety sucks. I realized I've lived with it my whole life too. It sounds like you're ready to reach out and make change and that's so great!
Hello and Welcome. You have come to the right place to connect with people who can relate to anxiety. We are all at different points in our recovery. Several people here have recovered and share their success stories with us. It is very inspiring.
If you don't mind me asking: what did you do in order to recover?
I have not recovered yet. I am getting better. Something that helped me was a medical device called an Alpha Stim. It is very expensive and insurance dose not pay for it. I had an opportunity to rent it to try it and it helped enough that I decided to make the investment. The other thing that has helped me was LENS Low Electricity Neurofeedback System. Again expensive and not covered by insurance. Honestly connecting with people on this site has been very, very helpful. Talking to people who actually understand and can relate to what I am going through. I have been here since July and I have made a couple of great friends that I talk to every day. I read through all of the posts every day. Another great resource is the book Hope and Help for Your Nerves End Anxiety Now by Dr Claire Weekes. There are a couple of people on this site who have recovered using her method. There is hope. There is no quick, easy fix. Recovery takes a lot of time and a lot of work. Progress is so worth it though. Even without being fully recovered I am doing so much better now. I just keep making slow and steady progress. Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be happy to share more.
Thank you for answering me. I googled both devices and yes they are expensive. I have found talking with others is great as well. I also spend time writing about the issues as they relate to symptoms of anxiety, depression, etc. It really is worth it. I had for a long time thought the unnecessary over thinking I did was just the way of things and how I was supposed to be.
That is great that you also write about the issues. I really encourage you to stay here with this community to get the support you need. I can't tell you how much it has helped me even though I did have the opportunity of the Alpha Stim and LENS. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have had. I wish everyone could. You may find something else that works for you. It is very individual. Some people recovered using Ketamine or TMS. Both may be covered by your insurance. If you read through all the posts, you will get a lot more tips and information and hear what worked for others.
Thank you I will. Has anyone here that you know of found help through self-help medications?
Do you mean like supplements?
Yes, as well as herbals, essential oils, etc using these to calm their anxiety?
Absolutely. Make a new post asking that specifically. I am sure you will get some replies. I use some herbals, but I honestly don't know if they are helping me. I still take them. I take Ashwagandha 450 mg, L-Theanine 200 mg, Magnesium 400 mg. Some people say Vitamin D helps. I take 5,000 IU. Do make another post though because I know some people use Things like 5-HTP, St John's Wart, and others. I can't take any of those because I am on antidepressants.
Think you for all of this.
Hi Cole1jones, our goals are never unachievable if we want them bad enough.
You're 39, your options are still open to what you desire in life. Don't allow Anxiety
to dictate who and what you should be. Stand up to it,, it has stolen enough years
from you. Actually it wasn't until my 30's that I knew what I wanted and went for it.
With each step I took forward, Anxiety took a step backwards. What an amazing time
that was for me. Self confidence grew and I left Anxiety in a cloud of dust. It can be
done my friend. Take our hand and let us support you in taking that first step. We Care xx
Thank you for that. What did you do specifically and what did you take for anxiety specifically .
You know Cole1jones, when I was young I didn't know we had choices in our lives. My
parents wanted me to do what they wanted. When I had matured and experienced life
enough I followed my passion in the medical field. I had always worked in hospitals from
age 17 as a nurse's aid. But it wasn't until the EMT program came out that I knew w/o a
doubt that I wanted to be a Paramedic. I went to school, got my degree and worked with
the Fire Departments as well as became a CPR Instructor for instructors...I worked in the
ER, Cardiac Unit of my local hospital.
As I pursued my dream goal, I no longer had Anxiety, Oh it came back later in life but
I still worked around it by starting my own business of Medical help and support.
You see my friend, when we are doing something we are passionate about, our fears
and adrenaline rushes lower in level. We learn as we live each day to be grateful in what
we have. It's been a long hard road but I never gave up on my dream. Life is Good and
I'm here to reap in the benefits now, leaving Anxiety behind. xx
See that's what I needed to hear because I really believe I can get past this first in foremost on my own.
It's amazing Griefsucks in what we can accomplish when we go for something
we want in life. Somehow, a second wind inside us takes over and allows us to
achieve our goal. Congratulations on making the Dean's list and finding the job
of your dreams. Life is made of unfounded dreams and when we are blessed
to have achieved what makes us happy, it is so well worth the work behind it. xx