hello, I am interested in natural remedies to help anxiety and depression. Best essential oils .. vitamins? I am trying to get off a medication I should not have been put on long term.
natural remedies : hello, I am... - Anxiety and Depre...
natural remedies

St John's Wort, 5-HTP, l methyfolate mhfr ,rhodiola, turmeric, holy basil, ashwagandha, theanine, valerian for anxiety ..many teas for stress. Exercise.
Lavender oil for sure
I believe there are some things that can help... multi-mineral, B-Complex, vit. D, and certain teas for calming like chamomile.
I take a multi-vitamin and drink a red ginseng drink now. But I've used meds in the past too when I needed them.
I used to do a lot of vitamin b 12
St John’s wort and Valerian root are great natural remedies.
Chamomile and glycine can both help with sleep and anxiety. I am having luck with Vitamin D (1000 iu daily) fish oil (Nature Made Fish Oil Minis Extra Strength Burp-less 1400mg) two or three daily, NAC, magnesium, and Spring Valley Women's Probiotic. I did a LOT of research before trying these, all of which do have solid research studies behind them/their ingredients. Be sure to run any supplements by your doctor first and/or do a research run (.org or .gov sites are usually reliable) as there are often possible side effects and/or interactions.
Sunshine! Natural light both in the morning when you walk up and as the sun is setting is critical. Bright mood lights are an ok substitute if natural light is not available. Also, nature. Spending time outside with your toes on the ground.