Have anyone tried any natural supplements for anxiety? If so, what kind and have you noticed any changes?
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Natural Supplements

Tried Gaba, not bad but chemical meds made me much better
Supplementing alcohol always lifts my spirits! Pun intended! Just kidding, I have found valerian root helpful for both anxiety and improving sleep.
Lol, I just can not get in the swing of alcohol... to me it makes the symptoms worse. I will definitely look into valerian root!
Actually, very rarely do I have a drink, it's more fun being the sober one who gets to take in the behavior of those that are intoxicated. For me valerian root is the only natural supplement to make a significant difference.
I looked it up & it also target other areas that I need help in such as muscle relaxant, pain relief, & heart health! I will definitely give it a try. Do it make you sleepy?
I'm trying magnesium supplement and fish oil as well. It really helps.
I think turmeric helped with my mild depression a little bit.
Rescue Remedy for stress. I like the spray bottle the best. Takes about 15-20 min. to calm me down, just about the same time as most meds.
Buy at a Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon, natural food store.
It's not a cure. It is a helper.
I haven't, I just bought guava tea, I saw this on a reputable tv show The Today show (Google the show). A doctor talked about this tea on the show. I'm Not looking for a cure just something that will Help? I've read that some are Bad for You, so becareful?
I tried many suplements, but no result, the only drugs with results for me is rivotril.

how many hours do you sleep with rivotril and how about your dosage?
I take rivotril only when I am in anxios crisis, not all the time, I take half of pill and sleep normal, about 8 hours. What I want to say is the fact that rivotril create dependence, it is good only for short term, for long term only antidepresant could be used.

Thank you. I'm also taking rivotril but 1/4 of the pill. Then only sleep for 2-3 hours.
I see ,probably 1\4 is not enough. I also take on long term remeron and 1/4 solian and sleep is coming from remeron also

ohhh. I'll ask my doctor about it. I'm planning to go to her tomorrow.
Yes, you could ask for remeron, it is a good antidepresant, especially is good for sleep

thank you for your help. I'll ask my doctor about it. is there no side effects to. it? I take juvia and rivotril
You wellcome. The only side effect that I have had from remeron is weight incresed.. From 58 kg at the begining of tratement a have after 3 years 67 kg,

you've been taking anti depressants for that long?
Yes, and probably I will take it for ever acording with my doctor. If I stop to take it, the depresion and anxiety simpoms return. At least now I function like a normal person, i can work, I can sleep I'm normal.

do you have panic attacks sometimes?
Yes, indeed i had before
St Johns Wort has helped me in the past w anxiety. Don’t take St Johns along with prescription drugs. Research has proven that 350 mg a day can reduce depression and anxiety.
I've tried lots of things + diet & excercise. Nothing has really wowed me. Not to say nothing works but you never know what kind of quality you're getting with individual brands. I'm on day 2 of giving up my beloved coffee😳😉. I don't want to get too excited but I didn't get the physical " about to get hit by a truck" feeling yesterday even though it was a pretty stressful day at work. We'll see, I'll post if I really see a difference. Good luck.
I've read this but never tried her stuff. It might appeal to you: antianxietyfoodsolution.com
She uses amino acids for anxiety.
St. John's Wort definitely helped me many, many years ago, until it just didn't anymore. That's when I had to go on anti-depressants.
Tried L-theanine, I feel pretty good actually. Second day on it and I slept, very well and all through the night which is rare for me! I’m trying green tea because it’s found naturally in it and I’ll make it into iced tea for while I’m at work. I also have been somewhat following a ketogenic diet (less than 30 grams of carbs per day) I honestly think giving up the sugar was a great move! It’s just hard at night because I love ice cream, but I make my own now from a KETO recipe. Completely off gabapentin, lexapro, and trileptal. Which I feel has been a big victory for me. I push through my days and I know it’s hard, really really hard, when you just want to bury your head and not be around people. I just want to say it IS possible, I’ve come back from “the edge”/literally and I want others to have hope ☮️🌞🍀😀
Since my old jalopy of a body rejects all the categories of anxiety/panic meds, two Psychs suggested Rescue Remedy. It is totally safe and can be used whenever the creepy crawlers invade the body!
Check it out on Google.
Sold in Vitamin Shoppe, Amazon and local health food stores.
I like the spray the best. It comes in drops, etc.
Like all meds, it takes 15-20 min. for the full calming affect.
Try L-theanine it reduces depression and helps you sleep.
Supplements are not regulated for purity. Recommended doses vary widely. Research well.