I’ve tested COVID positive. Feeling pretty crap but not as badly as the first couple times. Strangely no one else in the house has caught it. Just me. Initially I was feeling quite panicky about it but I’m managing pretty well. I just hope being quarantined won’t make me slip back into a place of comfort and not leaving the house. My first thought was… see this is what I get for going out all the time. If I’d just stayed home I wouldn’t be sick lol. But I know that may or may not be true and I can’t hide away. Hoping it doesn’t last too long. I’ve already lost my smell and taste again which had just started returning from covid in 2020 😢 That’s why I initially tested. But what are ya gonna do. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
managing anxiety : I’ve tested COVID... - Anxiety and Depre...
managing anxiety

I hope you recover quickly. ❤️
Thanks. I’m doing ok. Just fluey and ick. Lots of anxiety about how long it will last and how bad it will get but, I’m trying hard to steady myself and think logically. Unfortunately I am missing important things thins week. I was supposed to have therapy today, I had a psychiatry appointments for meds this week and I’m missing multiple things for my kids. Guilt guilt and more guilt. But tis what it tis. Can’t change it eh.
Well definitely let go of the guilt. It is not your fault that you are sick. You have nothing to feel guilty about. Can you have your psychiatry appointment on the phone?? I am so sorry that you are sick. Don't be worried that quarantine will make you slip back. You have been doing a wonderful job and you will do just fine when quarantine is over. It is going to be ok. I will keep you in my thoughts. Please keep me posted.
Thanks friend! I have to do the appointment in person since this is a new one unfortunately. They told me to take another test the day before, I need a negative test and 48 hours no fever. So we shall see. T minus 2 days to get better lol. Hopes aren’t high. Thank you for your encouragement. You are so right. It will all be ok. I kinda miss going out. How crazy is that lol
Ok that is crazy! You miss going out. Ha ha ha. I bet you never would have thought you would hear yourself say that. Fingers crossed for your negative test and no fever.
Seriously. I remember when all the shutdowns happened and everyone had to stay home. I was so thrilled I didn’t need an excuse anymore. But honestly do miss going places. I’ve been home for 3 days now and I can’t wait until I feel well enough to go do some Christmas shopping!!!
Hi MindfulMoment...I'm sorry you have covid. It is an interesting virus for sure.
Everyone gets different symptoms and yet, not everyone catches it.
I hope this will be a fast and full recovery. My thoughts & prayers are with you xx
hi, if you have had it less than five days so far, you can ask doc for paxlovid- it speeds up recovery and helps you feel better...drink broth, and liquids, and just rest as we know...xxx
wait, you lost taste and smell for how long the first time? well, no issues if you don't feel like thinking, just pamper yourself...xx
I already spoke with my doctor. We decided the benefit did not outweigh the risk for me. Given that I’ve already had it 3 previous times and done well, she felt it wasn’t worth the side effects which from what I hear can be pretty awful. I’m not big on taking medicine I don’t have to anyways. So I was relieved she didn’t want me to. I’m just using my fermented garlic and honey, lots of vitamin c,d and zinc. Thanks though! I’m sure for others it’s a great addition!
Prayers for you.
You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. I had Covid almost a year ago, and my case was mild, but I had crushing fatigue for three months afterward. Everyone's case is different. I am afraid of getting it again, however, I made the decision that I did not want to live the rest of my life inside my house. The more contact you have with people, the higher your chance of contracting the disease. I can't isolate myself socially for the rest of my life, as it is bad for my mental health. During "lockdown" my anxiety was actually worse. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
I had covid also and one of the things that helped some was allowing myself to feel the fear and anxiety and try to reassure myself that it is normal to have some fear around it. It's our resistance to our fear and difficult emotions that makes them worse. Reassure yourself that you survived covid before so you can definitely do it again. One of the other things I did was take massive amounts of Vit C, I even had a powdered form of it which helped boost my immune system. Hope you get well soon.
I hope it soon passes, Mindful, but you have the right attitude, and you can't second-guess who Covid is going to hit next.
sorry to hear that hopefully a speedy recovery for you.
absolutely but your fault just because you got sick you ( and everyone else) HAVE to go about your life we can't sit in bubbles get well be strong you are strong
Hope you are feeling better ❤️
much better!!! No one else in the family caught it surprisingly. I had a rough week but I made it through without to much. I still haven’t recovered my smell and taste. I had just gotten it back after losing it with COVID over 2 years ago. And I still have some congestion and tiredness. But all in all it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be :). But is it ever? Lol