I’m now scared to sleep because when I wake up Iit feels like I’m in a dream and then the panic just overrides me I’m so tired I do manage to sleep but I dread going to sleep but I’m I don’t think I’m getting enough sleep and I’m just so tired of it. Last night I had a dream that I was with my gran that recently passed and I knew she was dead but she was smiling at me and gave me a cross and when I woke up I felt deep emotional pain and I felt so out of it and scared
now dreading the mornings : I’m now... - Anxiety and Depre...
now dreading the mornings

Also the day before it just snuck up on me when I woke up I was freaking out and it felt like I was dying cause it came out of nowhere and didn’t know what it was
I struggle with that all the time...I sometimes feel like I've overslept....which makes me panic...sometimes I just dread knowing that I'm headed to prison.....and that creates anxiety..sleep deprivation creates anxiety......but then I work through it and do it again the next day...
for me it is the complete unknown...what will i be exposed to...will I have to use narcan for the 1st time....will somebody overdose...will i get assaulted...will i witness an assault.....all are things I want to have 100% control over....but in harsh reality....I have absolutely no control over...I'm a so...
Yeah I can relate to what you’re going through and I’m just terrified of everything, my anxiety level is through the roof and I don’t know what to do with myself.
I’ve been here before several years ago and now it’s back again, I’m super anxious like you. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a way at this moment in time.
The medication doesn’t seem to help much but maybe it’s just a sticking plaster for now to get you through this part.
I think I managed to get through it last time by taking little walks and gradually increasing the distance each day.
At the moment I’m struggling to get out of my bed and leave the house to attempt a small stroll.
Stay safe and I hope you can soon start feeling better 👍
Yes I’m the same went through the same thing 4 years ago and you know what it is but it feels so real at the time! I’m the same it’s like I don’t have the fight at the moment and I just want to lay in bed people say it doesn’t help well I’ve tried exposure and pushed myself but I’ve pushed myself too far this time I think like you said small doses to build yourself up but when your ready l. I think there will be a point for you when you are ready to give it a try sometimes we need to rest before hand so don’t beat yourself up about resting.
night anxiety is a triggered anxiety. Somewhere in your brain you’ve created a pathway that says nights are “dangerous” and your brain has responded by putting up its alarm system for that situation. I used to dread going to bed, I’d have anxiety ridden dreams all night long, wake up in a total panic sweating and even yelling out. If I was lucky enough to sleep til morning my adrenaline would be so high that the minute I opened my eyes it would wash over me and I’d start to panic. This led to being afraid to get out of bed. I couldn’t face anything. The only way out is through. You have to accept the way you feel and stop being afraid of it. Breathe through the anxiety and desensitize your nervous system. After some time your brain will make a new pathway. I tricked my brain that I wasn’t actually afraid and anxious, I was excited because I really really love coffee. I know that sounds silly. But I told myself every morning when I was in a total panic that it wasn’t panic I just really love the morning and coffee. I’d force myself to get up, make my bed and head upstairs to turn on the decalf coffee. Then I’d breathe until the anxiety lessened. Do I still get anxiety in the mornings, yep. Sometimes it’s still lurking around. Cortisol levels are much higher in the mornings. Makes it easy to start “control thinking” and bring on. But I’m not afraid of anxiety anymore. I know that it will pass. I know it isn’t real no matter how awful it feels. I’m not actually out of control. I still have panic attacks once in a while, they’re still just as awful. But I’m able to breathe through them and then it’s gone. And that’s that. No need for further examination.
Yeh i know exactly what you are talking about and just I say you are so strong for tricking your mind especially when the danger feels real it does paralyse you and sometimes you have the strength to get up and try it’s so hard when you are in it because you can’t see anything changing even when you keep trying and going back to square 1 like I am it gets tiring each time but you are so brave for going what you have done!
You are also strong enough. I know it feels horrible. I used to tell my husband it felt like I was being tortured. To accept those feeling and thoughts is so foreign. It’s literally like ignoring a heart attack. But with practice it gets easier and easier because you know that it will work. That was the hardest part for me. Nothing worked. I had nothing I was 100% sure would bring anxiety down. Acceptance, stopping that secondary fear works every single time. Panic attacks are shorter and when it’s over it’s over. No more days and days of lingering anxiety.
Thank you I’m trying it’s just hard when I keep feeling different versions I woke up this morning and I felt a shift only way to describe but I just felt impending doom that something really wrong was going to happen
I’m going to keep pushing through thank you
I know exactly what you mean. I described it as washing over me. I’d open my eyes and for a split second I thought I was ok and then boom I could feel the tingles start and the impending doom. Try to shift your self talk. You aren’t pushing through, pushing through is fighting. Say to yourself (for example) “I accept that I feel my heart racing, I know it’s just adrenaline and not a heart attack. I am healthy, and my heart is healthy. Speed up little heart, let’s see what you’ve got.” And just breath. I don’t ever force an inhalation. I let those come naturally but I extend my exhale to an 8 second to engage the parasympathetic system. Naturally and organically that slows all the systems down.
I have morning anxiety. I hate to have to face the morning. The anxiety lasts until noon even though I am taking ativan. I also have had anxiety before and got better for quite a few years. Can't seem to beat it this time.