So does anyone have the experience of “getting better” I say this because I notice if I control my thoughts or don’t feed them and distract myself I seem to feel so much better. It’s hard very hard to do but if you don’t feed something it doesn’t grow so….. anyway I am wanting to know if anyone has done this and if you do this everyday more and more surely this breaks the cycle and you can start to recover ?
when it gets better?: So does anyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
when it gets better?
I'm not sure if you have access to YouTube in Japan...I hope so. I included this Link to the anxiety guy Dennis Simsek about how to understand your frustrations about anxiety and how to overcome it fully. You're definitely on the right track. Breaking up your faulty programming and not falling victim to your lower self is a learning process.
Not feeding the bad wolf inside us instead of nurturing the good wolf. Like the parable says...the one you feed is the one that flourishes! Starve the anxiety, depression, anger, hate, isolation. Feed the gratitude, love, inclusivity, peace, happiness. Heal yourself through helping others.
THIS is the Way. ~The Mandalorian❤️🩹
Hi Overthis. I think that if it is working then more power to you. I think that I ran from my anxiety and depression for a long time trying to be a high achiever which was not sustainable for me. I would just recommend making sure that any changes you make feel sustainable for your whole life. If not maybe they are a temporary fix while you work on deeper issues.
That being said I definitely have times where I feel I have "gotten better" or the struggle isn't nearly as bad. I wish you peace, hope, and strength.
Hi there. Cutting to the chase, you might find a post of mine from 3 years ago helpful and is called How to Overcome Anxious Thoughts.I've been there, done it and got the t-shirt ☺
Best wishes !
Thank you. That’s great actually. I notice a lot of people think over thinking is about something that won’t happen or scary thought that you would do something etc. mine aren’t like that. Mine are about facts and wondering why and trying to understand them. Does it matter what the thought is or not?
Not really. An anxious brain will conjure up anxious thoughts which come uninvited. Anxiety propels them to the front of mind giving them a false sense of importance where the sufferer feels they have no choice but to engage, ruminate and worry about it.If you are concerned about overthinking, that suggests to me that you are anxious about it. Without anxiety being present over thinking would not be a problem.
Over thinking tends to relate to obtaining certainty perhaps to avoid the fear of not knowing,. OCD is the same but in a physical way rather than mentally. For example, an OCD sufferer might be a person who constantly checks doors are locked because they fear being burgled or constantly cleaning because they fear germs. Fear is always the main driver for anxiety.
Good answer. You are really great. I will definitely get help for anxiety which I believe will calm everything down. My wife isn’t into me getting meds but she doesn’t understand. I quit alcohol for her and me and depression and anxiety came from it so I will get medication for a while.
Thank you! Anxiety creates problems and fears that only exist because you have anxiety. All the more reason to let those thoughts and feelings go.
Been reading some of your posts. How insightful you are. Did I mention my anxiety depression started after quitting alcohol so it is a different kind. Even thought now I am just over 4 weeks sober it’s expected to be 6 - 12 weeks to dissipate which is a lifetime. Originally I was so down it was ridiculous I mean ridiculous and it evolved into overthinking about well everything. How body works and why, then why is there sun mountains etc. it seems it finds the biggest things with no answers to think on and even though I let them in and let them go they pop back or another one does. I need this to stop. It’s like everyday I’m waiting for it to happen and distracting myself as much as possible. I wonder if eventually as my anxiety calms down the thoughts calm down. Trying to get my head around all of this is exhausting. Are you a doctor? You come across as one
No, I'm not a doctor because I never had the patience 🤣🤣
See what I did there?
On a more serious note, Ihave been through what you are going through and come out the other side so know a bit about it.
I learnt about anxiety and what was happening to me from a book written by Dr Claire Weekes and explains all you need to know and how to recover by accepting the thoughts and feelings instead of wishhing they would all go away.
Knowlege of the disorder is important because it helps to remove the fear and bewilderment (what is happening to me!??😱😱) and paving the way for acceptance. I also learnt alot during my recovery and using this knowledge and experience to help others. It's easier to accept something when you understand it! We fear the unknown and fear is what keeps anxiety going and the root cause, no matter what "type" of anxiety you might have.
Although the reasons for you developing anxiety might be different, it is still anxiety. The symptoms become THE problem and you forget the reasons that might have caused your anxiety state in the first place. Symptoms may differ from one person to the next but it is still anxiety with fear, or a intense dislike of the symptoms being the driver. Fear looks like "Oh no here it comes again, I hate being like this. I want it to go now, I cant stand this, Am I going mad!!!😱😱😱
This means the way to recover is the same too and all about accepting the symptoms and letting them be there for as long as they like. Being comfortable about feeling very uncomfortable, Acceptance looks like "Ah well, I feel crap but can't do anything about it so will just let all the symptoms be there for as long as they like." It's like having a broken wrist. Hurts like hell but you accept that it will be very sore for a while and let the natural healing process to take care of things. You dont fret and worry about it.
Back to anxiety. Give up caring about the thoughts and feelings and live your life, taking the anxiety with you.
It takes time to develop a genuine attitude of acceptance which allows sensitised nerves (caused by all the stress and worry) to heal and for peace of mind and body to return. Time is the healer.
Dam you’re good. You should write a mini book or YouTube channel or something. I just hope my sincere gratitude to you is known. It’s difficult as I don’t have a lot to give on this site yet and I don’t want to appear as a taker only. I appreciate you more than anything.
Youtube? People say my face is only fit for radio! In any case, its not as if I've invented the wheel or something and there is already alot of stuff out there in internet land and just happy to help. You don't owe me anything, other than to pass on your knowledge and experience to others in need of help when (not if) you recover.Best wishes!
Hi there just a quick update really. I notice I’ve been feeling “better” and I’ve been quiet. Almost like normal but on edge for something to happen. Is this recovery? I’ve been so busy and feeling fine etc and even laughing but so on edge as I’m not used to feeling “okay”. Do you know what I mean?
I know what you mean but recovery takes time and doesn't usually happen overnight. There will be lots of mini ups and downs along the way. Nobody is cheerful and in a super good mood all day every day, moods ebb and flow and the same goes for anxiety. There will also be setbacks where you think you are back to square one. You're not, it's a measure of how far your recovery has progressed and the confidence gained in facing and accepting those fears up to the point of a setback will never be lost. Accept the setbacks too.
The whole thing about acceptance is to have no expectation about recovering and taking each and every day as you find it, accepting the rough with the smooth in equal measure and carrying on despite how you may be feeling. Accept all feelings, good and bad. Accept feelings of guilt. Accept it all! Its just anxiety but needs to be left unchallenged it needs to be felt to be released and part of recovery.
Frankly, if a sufferer constantly complains about symptoms, monitors their thoughts and feelings all the time, as well as constantly looking for support they are not fully accepting. Recovery is a by product of acceptance and will happen in it's own time and at a rate that you might not even notice the changes.
Yes! You are right of course. It’s like I am just excepting day by day and doing things because I want to not forcing myself to and around mid afternoon to evening I feel more anxious. Not sure why but trying to just except and enjoy day by day but so nervous at same time. It’s a very strange feeling. I suppose it’s progress as I’m not sitting starting at the floor crying and wandering thoughts have definitely subsided.
Sounds like you are on the right track but one of the main ways to heal anxiety is to learn to never believe your anxious thoughts no matter how weird or distressing they are. Practicing a simple mindfulness meditation can help you learn to let the thoughts flow in and out like clouds and be able to detach from them easier. Learning to observe your thoughts and realize they have no power over you is the key. My version of simple mindfulness mediation is to just sit quietly, focus on my breath and let me thoughts flow in and out without fighting them and just observe them and bring my focus back to my breath when my mind wanders too far. The goal is to make friends with your mind and decrease your fear and it is definitely possible to do.