I never felt as though I was Bipolar , either . Labels were for other people. After my divorce , though , I experienced a sadness that I recognized was deeper and longer then other women experienced . I spent a enormous amount of time hiding from the world and isolating , refusing to recreate a life did myself . My psychiatrist suggested I try Lamotrigine for depression , which is a drug originally designed for epilepsy . I was pleasantly surprised at the effectiveness of this prescription as the profound sadness and ups and downs seemed to level out . Having a diagnosis of bipolar does not indicate you are not a caring or extremely valuable person . Many famous artists , movie stars , and musicians have been bipolar . I suspect you are a wonderful , smart person who is frightened at the thought of a bipolar diagnosis but it’s not a diagnosis of cancer or a determination there is something wrong with you . Finding the right medication is all you really need to worry about and Lamotrigine is a very mild prescription without the side effect of weight gain . I hope my experience can help you in some way . There is absolutely nothing wrong with you ! 😀
Diagnosis not the end of the world - Anxiety and Depre...
Diagnosis not the end of the world

I’m crying right now here! What about the anger and lashing out?? It says that is common! I feel so lost 😞 My. Psychiatrist diagnosed to me and only three months time one visit a week!
I want to feel part of something! I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere!

I find that I cry and lash out when I feel other people don’t care about me . My psychiatrist prescribed Lamotrigine - it was extremely helpful in smoothing out the uncomfortable emotions I had . You are not alone - text me anytime 👍
Thank you! I appreciate that! I will ask about Lamotrigine

Mymindandme000,you are not alone even if it feels like this at the moment.And you belong here as well as you belong to the humanity.It is that horrible feeling of separation,but you are part of all of us.You have already touched the lives of all of us,who have read your posts.A big hug from me,you are not alone!
Just be patient with yourself,things will get better.They always do.
Omg. I needed to hear this today! I was beginning to think I didn’t belong even though I was told before by others here that I do belong! I never had joined any chat forums before so this is New to me! I haven’t been shown much love in my life so I tend to disbelieve everything I’m told because that’s the life I lived! I had a very physically abusive childhood and was told so many horrible things by my mother especially! She also had addiction problems that unfortunately I became addicted at a young age especially with alcohol! It drowned my mental pain . I Want to feel part of and I want to feel loved! And I think because alot of people here has been broken too and probably feels the same as me I’m going to try to have trust and really listen to suggestions!Thank you for your kind support! I’ve only joined here since August 15 and I’m seeing so many more people joining sadly saying their lives are messed up too. I want to also give help for others when I can!! I just also have to keep telling “Myself “ that everything will be OK! Thanks so much!! Hugs-Shay

You are lovable and loving,always been and always will be,please know that!Your mum must have been in a lot of pain to say horrible things to you and the reason behind addiction is always pain,in your mum's case and in yours.
You may try and understand your mum's beginnings.Did she have the chance to learn about love etc.
You are new here and already saying you would want to help when you can...
This speaks volumes..about you being loving.
Thank you.
Awe thank you! Yea I don’t know much about her life growing up. I was angry for alot of my adult years but I eventually began to forgive her and my dad too. As I got older I did wonder why but then I realized that maybe they had a bad growing up too. It’s the chains of abuse that can carry on through generations both physical and addiction wise. When I had my son I promised myself I would never physically hurt him Ever! I kept my silent promise! I only spanked him maybe 3 times in his childhood but it wasn’t even a hard spanking and to this day he laughs when I tell him that! The only thing that hurt him was My addictions and my ex husband’s addiction and then after 10 years of marriage the divorce! My son was only 9 years old when I divorced my ex husband . What hurts me is that now my son is addicted! That chain didn’t break unfortunately! I’m hoping that he gets help soon but He has to want it! It’s so sad and I can’t help but to take the blame!I have to get myself help too with everything! Thank you again!-Shay
You’re right about A Label I don’t like them either! but I just want to feel better. That’s all! I will ask at my appointment on Tuesday.
What you said though in your Post really means alot to me! Thank you! -Shay
I isolate myself all of the time!! I don’t go out much at all!! I have OCD bad too!
Absolutely ! I know what it feels like not to be understood . There is nothing wrong with either one of us - our feelings just seem to get in the way !
❤️Thank you for that!