I wanted to mention something few people are aware of, and have never been taught by many therapists even. There is and important distinction about the word "shame" that is helpful understand and recognize. Mental health issues we all share here have a universal tendency to make us feel bad about ourselves, unlike say osteoporosis or any other physical medical condition.
In terms of psychiatric or mental illnesses, there is a lot of shame attached to them. Society pretends to address the stigma, but I find the worst sometimes are those who work on mental health.
Regardless, there is a belief that it's simply weakness, that normal people are strong, and they don't allow their weaknesses to control their lives. We even do it to ourselves, blaming ourselves for what's wrong with us.
It's one thing to acknowledge whats wrong with us, and another to assume that it's our fault, that it's proof we are defective and not good enough, that we are not like others who we internalize as more worthy than we are.
I will leave you with this.
When we do something wrong, we are guilty of doing whatever it is. How you determine that it's "wrong" is something worth thinking about. Against the law? Yes, clearly wrong. Wrong because someone else tells you it's wrong? Hmmm. May need to think about that one.
But even if what you did is clearly wrong in your own understanding, its something you did that you are GUILTY of doing,meaning you CAN CHANGE WHAT YOU DO IN THE FUTURE.
Okay, now consider what happens when you blame yourself for things you may or may not have done. In other words, you apologize for everything because you assume it must have been you who is to blame. Why? Because you believe you are not like others, that you are a bad person, less worthy than others, that you always cause problems just by being you. This is what SHAME is.
Shame is the feeling about WHO YOU ARE, not WHAT YOU DID.
And the damage that comes with shame is this:
You can change your behavior that you might be guilty of,
But if you see yourself as a bad person, then it's about WHO YOU ARE and that cannot be changed.
It's important to understand that ALL of us, WHO WE ARE is worthy of the same love and unconditional acceptance as every other living human and other beings. Because we are human, we are born with certain selfish tendencies (originally for survival of species) -all of us- and we are all as vulnerable to things we can't control. I would say some of us are more honest about those flaws than others. But don't ever believe the bullshit that you are less than any other human being on the planet.
Don't ever let SHAME convince you that you are less worthy, less deserving, less capable than anyone else of your equal right to be treated fairly, and to live the life you deserve.
Focus on behavior you can change, not who you are.
Leave yourself alone because you are not the problem, or the blame. Treat yourself with asuch respect, and appreciation as all of us deserve. And acknowledge your part in things when you behave in a way that's wrong. Apologize for behavior, not your being.
Sometimes the best I can do is get out of bed.😄🙏❤️