I haven't posted in awhile. I was turned down a second time for disability. My depression is to a point I don't want to talk anybody. The letter said "I maybe sad and forgetful" SAD! SAD! FORGETFUL! FORGETFUL! Everyday I deal with an illness that attacks my will live. I've had 21 rounds of old school ECT and 3 concussions from being rear ended. The last was really bad. I can't remember what I am doing while I am doing it. I've had several visits to psyche wards..... They only asked my primary doctor, who knows very little about me as she refused to help with my depression and my psychiatrist who just prescribes.
Lately I've been having dizzy spells and falling all over the place. I am cut up and bruised. I am struggling with perspective. I went to work with my pants on backwards, came home changed into shorts and a t-shirt a few hours later I noticed I felt like I was being choked. My t-shirt was on backwards. My curtain rod fell pulling the bracket off the wall. I did some patching and rehung the bracket with some good adhesive. Later I noticed it was upside down. I put together a lift top coffee table. it took 3 days and when I tried it at the end I put the lift brackets on backwards. I need a routine, change really messes me up. I set alarms for everything, cooking, watering, appointments, ...I have set a few fires on my stove. My most spoken word theses days is ouch.