I don’t have friends. Not many people enjoy my company. I talk to one or two people at work. People think I’m weird or annoying. The guy I have a crush on doesn’t seem to want to be bothered with me like he used to, I don’t want him to think I’m using him and I don’t want to feel like I’m being used. I feel ugly and sad . No one texts me anymore. Its like everyone ones gone
Something is wrong with me: I don’t... - Anxiety and Depre...
Something is wrong with me

Sorry you feel this way. Try to smile and compliment others. Keep conversations brief at work but positive. See how this works for you.
God bless
Aww ! There’s ppl to connect with. I promise you there is. Ppl at work, well ...they’re at work. Don’t be so hard on yourself . You are awesome , I bet. Uplifting yourself will very much attract ppl your way. You want to kick yourself down? Well , ppl can read that energy and WILL stay away. Believe you’re amazing and stay that away , because you ARE!
Bumble is a great app to meet friends or MeetUp (a site online, where like minded ppl “meet up” in groups , locally and go to events , mixers , or do activities) ...there’s opportunities to find friends and create bonds! Do not EVER think you’re not attractive , cool , nothing of the sort. There’s no poster child for what’s cool or good-looking. Create you’re own definition of that & be proud in that .
As for that guy, plenty men in the sea, doll. I know, I know. He’s a crush and what you see in front of you now, but if he wants to ignore you, you have to know you can move on and be alright with that. If he can’t see how amazing you are, and want to engage in conversation/hang out with you. His loss.
Sometimes people may drift elsewhere, they want that type, cool. Someone will want someone like you , well ...someone will want you, because there’s no one like you! ☺️
Reach out when ready ...but at least, to build friends.. Bumble & MeetUp is a good place to begin with. Good luck to you , love.!
as far as the crush goes if he's not interested then move on. Everyone has had that crush that never amounted to anything. You want to spend your energy finding someone who is interested in you. Why? Because you deserve it. The " real thing" may not happen right away. But get yourself out there and see.
A lot of people use the dating sights now. They are so busy and it's hard to get out places to meet people. A young woman I work with met her boyfriend on a date site. She's so happy
For right now just focus on you. When you feel better about yourself things will happen. Take this time to learn about you.
I'm sure everything will work out.
Hi from what you have said it could be that you are lacking social skills. This is very common but the good news is that you can teach yourself them. Are you having any therapy?
I’m sure no one has said you’re wierd or annoying. If people said those things, they are wired and annoying and blatantly rude.
As for the crush, take it for what it is. Trying to have someone want to be around you, be more of something they aren’t, can keep your energy focused on the wrong things. You start dwelling on why this one person won’t do this or that, and this isn’t your problem, it’s them.
From here on out, start to use that energy for working towards better self love, the name calling ‘I’m ugly and sad’ are negative feelings and emotions. We cannot move forward by keeping ourselves beat down like this.
I would look into therapy. I believe and from experience, we attract what we feel about ourselves. So start working on bringing out your positive traits, better self stem and self confidence. Therapy can help a great deal.
Many people find me weird and annoying. And sometimes they're right. I can be weird and annoying. But I'm comfortable in my own skin. And that makes all the difference.
We teach people how to treat us. And if I'm not treating myself with respect, dignity, acceptance and humor, how can I expect anyone else to?
And as has been said, if this guy isn't interested, that's his loss. I deserve to be with someone who wants to be with me. And I can't be all things for all people. You'll find the right person as soon as you accept yourself for the person you are.
Know that you're exactly how you're supposed to be. As weird and annoying as some of the rest of us. Lol.
You could contact anxiety.org.uk and see if that is any use. Bear in mind that you as good as anybody else ( Possibly better ). Sadly we can't get everything we would like - take heart!
I feel the exact same way, like I have no one. It’s hard when I see everyone else with loved ones. I find that sharing helps. Just reading your post helped me not feel so alone. Thank you

Why do you feel alone? Do you have family close by?
I feel you. I am only close to the outcasts people at work. Because it's hard for me to trust some people. I had been dragged down trusting some people at my previous jobs.
Sometimes I just keep to myself.
I hope you find a friend who can relate to you and be good to you. I can sense that you are a nice person after all.
It's hard having not even one pal at work.
Good night, thanks for being here. It means alot to me that you said what you did here. I am sorry you feel this way. Please keep telling us how you are feeling.
I know this post is older now, but I relate. I don’t have friends either or feel like people really like me. I feel like an easy to talk to person and I am easy on the eyes but people still don’t seem to like me for some reason, so don’t be hard on yourself about looks and stuff because trust me, it doesn’t always fix things.
I have felt weird and odd that I don’t have friends and normal relationships like everyone else. I don’t have close ties with my family either. I used to have no problems having friends when I was younger. Not sure why it’s so hard for me now. I guess it’s hard for me to trust people some I have been betrayed many times.