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Health anxiety?

Niki_ profile image
31 Replies

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with health anxiety? I have really intrusive thoughts always that something sinister may be wrong with me. If I’m waiting for routine blood work to come back I can hardly function or sleep.. I know intellectually that this isn’t a reasonable feeling but I can’t control it.. I have had this off and on since I was 14… I’m currently 42 🥴

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Niki_ profile image
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31 Replies

Hi. I don't have health anxiety; I'm responding because no one else has yet.I can only imagine how hard this must be for you and I'm so sorry. I wonder if you could try telling yourself that these are just thoughts and that they're not dangerous? That this is just your mind running amok and playing tricks on you.

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply to

That helps sometimes… it just comes and goes so randomly… some days I’m clear headed and can logically think about these things… I have noticed a correlation between eating extremely healthy and these thoughts … when I’m 100% on track eating healthy and exercising I don’t seem to suffer much … but I also struggle with a overeating issue lol .. I am a mess .. thank you for responding though 💛

in reply toNiki_

You're welcome

I have Health Anxiety because my health is poor and I have various medications to control my conditions. I also have physical conditions all my concerns have been with me since circa 1981. So I am chronic Disabled.

All I can suggest is for you to try Mindfulness Relaxation Technique and controlled breathing. The problem I have is if I get a further condition that can be problematic, mostly because of medication and effects on my health in general .

I gather in your situation you worry because you may catch something so that makes you worry. All I can say most conditions other than chronic illness rarely are serious, so understanding that should help you move on.

At this time many people are worried regards COVID even with this conditon most people will recover under the new strain and the actual infection rate is although of actual incidence is still low in total population.

All you can do is keep clean and still keep a distance of 2m. Also avoid busy locations and touch. Worrying will just make matters worse and you will imagine something is very wrong.

Blood test are generally very straight forward, nothing to worry about. Most people will become ill in their lives, however these periods are acute, you will recover, So stop worrying, you will make yourself, mentally ill


XoxoFaith profile image

I struggle with it every thing I feel I think the worst Iam always thinking something will happen to me and will end up going to the doctor and that scares me all the time I also always have a new symptom

Natsteveo profile image

Hi niki I’m a health anxiety too and the intrusive thoughts are worse than the anxiety sometimes I also can’t function or eat or even sleep when I’m waiting on anything medical especially blood tests or scans god my mind goes everywhere and I search for reassurance all the time but the reassurance don’t last before we need more to get us through the day it’s draining and exhausting honey I have had health anxiety for a very long time and each time it’s the same yet feels new it’s horrible and it’s a fear we can’t face people say it’s best you face your fears to conquer them but with health anxiety it’s a fear of dying and being extremely ill something we certainly don’t want to face that do we ???? It’s hard I’m still battling it now xx

Niki_ profile image

Thank you… I constantly talk to my husband about it all ( I think he is getting tired of my anxiety regarding this ) although he doesn’t say he is.. I can’t tell when I ask him what he thinks about a cramp or a pain I get, he get this look on his face like “what now”

Cloudyyy profile image

Try dare the app plus there videos on YouTube found them really helpful .I too suffer from health anxiety and somatic symptoms disorder I know how bad they can be but with the right approach and patience obviously you can get better and learn to ignore them ,hope this helps.

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply toCloudyyy

I just downloaded this and listened to the first one … very cool … idk if it will help but I will keep listening.. it definitely can’t hurt! Thanks

Highly_Anxious profile image

Hi Niki, I’m 38 & I too live w/ health anxiety. I’ve had it since childhood. It’s bad at the best of times but during the pandemic it’s been a waking nightmare. As far as dealing with the anxiety, Comprehensive Behavioral Therapy is helpful along with medication, breathing exercises & physical exercise. On a side note, I recently realized my anxiety is extra intense the week before my period. It’s called Premenstrual Exacerbation. My doctor adjusted my medications to work better with my increased hormones during that time & it seems to be helping. I wish you the best & hope you find options that work for you.

hippieebbbz09 profile image
hippieebbbz09 in reply toHighly_Anxious

I could cry right now. I have had so much success on managing anxiety + all its flaws . I exercise regularly, meditate as much as I can , + get better sleep . But , if it’s one time that I get so lost in anxiety , that I forget the progress I made , it’s the week before my menstrual cycle. I NEVER knew why. Thank you , THANK YOU, for sharing this . I can finally get out of my head , and continue to treat the trickster that’s anxiety.

I am literally in a slight panic over nothing , over an intrusive thought or two :/ , because prior to that , I was fine , then I think someone negative ( which is imaginary….if we are being clear ) but kept staying in that thought . I know now I should be way more gentle with myself , even If I feel I’m conquering anxiety, I have to also strap on & control anxiety better , while going through normal hormone fluctuations through my cycle . We are super SUPER sensitive then + should treat ourselves as such , and let others know to do so , too.

Highly_Anxious profile image
Highly_Anxious in reply tohippieebbbz09

Hi hippieebbbz09, when I found out about PME I was so relieved I cried. I’m glad my experience can help you & others in some smallway. Prior to that PME diagnosis I truly thought I was losing it. My relatively well managed anxiety had spun out of control. I too was being really hard on myself bc for years I’d been doing good.

I needed to know why this was happening. Keeping a diary and discussing things with my GP luckily gave me some answers. PME was not something I had even heard of but it made complete sense. Hormones fluctuate due to age, diet, environment, sleep, stress etc.

Getting my diagnosis gave me the opportunity to say to myself “hey, it’s okay” All that hard work and progress is still there. This was just a minor setback (even though it felt like the world was ending) & can be corrected. Good luck to you.

hippieebbbz09 profile image
hippieebbbz09 in reply toHighly_Anxious

Good luck to you too , love !! That's a great thing you kept track of symptoms leading up to your appt. I definitely neglected to do so lol. But, yes, you are so right ! Our hormones can wreak havoc on us, and since we are so delicate already , being anxiety prone, it's a mess by the time PMS comes on, it seems.

Kaizen1 profile image

Hi Niki,

I went through about 7-8 months of the most horrible health anxiety and panic I’ve ever experienced. I had a bad reaction to vaccine which causes multi inflammatory issues over that period and no one knew what the heck was wrong. Every new symptom that popped up had me convinced of worst case scenario and I was scared out of my mind. I quickly sought out solutions. Ten minute walk. Meditation apps on my phone. Breathing exercises. Someone mentioned DARE, good book to read and good app on phone. I didn’t even know health anxiety was a thing. It helped me to control the things I could control (like movement, sleep, eating healthy, doing self care). Journaling helped and starting a gratitude practice. They DARE app teaches you to respond to anxiety and panic. Welcome it in and so t resist. And then say “whatever”…like I acknowledge you fear and anxiety but whatever. Try to trick your mind into brushing it off and work on calming the nervous system with some deep breathing or a meditation. Affirmations helped me a great deal. Even if you have them on auto pilot. Play in the car. In headphones when walking. Take five minute break. There is tons available on YouTube also for free. Most of the apps I use have free stuff also but I’ve also subscribed to a few that I use everyday. I like Breethe, dare, insight timer, aura, balance, etc. you can do it!

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply toKaizen1

Thank you for sharing your story💛

Opportunity profile image

Hi Niki, I have health anxiety that flares up sometimes—usually when things are pretty good in my life. It’s like my mind has a ball of worry that must find something to stress about. Here’s what works for me: I write down my symptoms and keep a log. Then I say, “If XYZ happens, then I’ll do such and such.”

So, say my fingers look arthritic and they ache on January 1st. I may worry incessantly that I have arthritis and that my fingers will become crooked and bent. But I keep a log. I may take a picture of my hand at different angles. And my log will say: Jan 1, 2022. Aching fingers, 2/10 pain, took Tylenol and pictures. If still hurting in one week, I will make doctor appointment.” Then I can stop worrying because I have a plan. The plan is written down. I can put it out of my mind then.

You might write down, “if my blood tests come back with abnormal results, I will make a doctors appointment and call a friend.” Or something like that.

I haven’t had to go to the doc in a while for health anxiety, so I think it’s working. I know our bodies naturally creak, crackle, hurt, adjust… our bodies are an amazing self-healing system in many ways. The last time I went to the doc, it was because my fingers were turning blue in cold weather. She was like, “My fingers turn blue too, it’s totally fine.” She begrudgingly ordered me the tests I asked for but I never got the blood work done because I just kind of stopped worrying about it.

Health anxiety is hard, for sure!! Hugs to you!!🤗🤗

ZOO7 profile image

Hi! I have this and it’s just ramped up since CoVid hit. Things that work for me is think about what you can control and let go of what you can’t. Easier said than done and I’m still working on this. I waste a lot of time and energy on what ifs. You got the bloodwork so you are complete with the first step!!! Once you see the results and hopefully they come back normal you can be at ease. It’s the time in between just waiting and ruminating that is very stressful. I can relate. Take deep breaths, think positively, drink some relaxing tea green or chamomile, out a heat pad on your neck . Maybe take walk outside too. You aren’t alone.

QuiltLady profile image

I have suffered from health anxiety on and off for over 30 years. It helps me to remember all the times I worried about stuff for nothing. All the days I wasted worrying. The anxiety is actually worse than any physical problems I've had (including having the largest kidney stone the doctor had ever seen). I don't know why we torture ourselves so with anxiety. Maybe it's a fear that we won't be able to cope with something bad, or it's a way to prepare ourselves for the worst. However, most of the time the things we worry about never happen. Some of the things I tell myself are: "This too shall pass," "Ok brain, thanks for that scary thought, but I'm not going to dwell on it right now," or when an intrusive thought comes into my head I have to literally say "STOP"! Taking slow, deep breaths sometimes helps. But I know the pain you're going's really hard not to be anxious when you are! Hang in there, things will be okay.

AdamFCastillo31 profile image

Hypochondriasis or health anxiety persons are often unable to function or enjoy life due to their fears. Well, you can stop this health anxiety by knowing the triggers/ root cause of it. For which you should take counseling sessions or CBT and try different coping strategies. There are ways you can deal with anxiety about your health, which include: Changing your focus to attention.

Practicing contemplation.

Challenge your anxious thoughts.Change Your Focus on Focus

Cleaning the room.


Making a word puzzle.

Drawing or drawing.


I hope it makes sense to you. I had been in this situation a few years ago and these steps have been helped me alot.

I suffered from it since I was about 14. Mine started when my anxiety started getting really bad. I was having severe chest pains and was always convinced I was having a heart attack. Then when I was 18 my brother died from cancer and my dad died from cancer when I was 15 and when my dad died I said to people that I think myself and my one brother would get cancer due to us looking like him and sure enough a few years later my brother got and died of cancer. That had me convinced I would get it soon and not only that, I seen what losing my brother did to my mom and I was terrified of what would happen if she lost me too.

I refused to go to the Dr about anything, I didn’t go for Pap tests, I didn’t go for blood work etc. I felt if I did have something I didn’t want to know. One crazy think I was obsessed with was flesh eating disease, I seen it on TV and was convinced I was going to get it. I had to stop watching the news because it was making me insane.

In 2013 I lost my mom to cancer and BOOM my health anxiety was gone. I think for a few reasons. A) I was worried before about how my mom would handle it and now I didn’t have to. B) I was so depressed, I didn’t care if I got anything.

After that I decided that it was time to start getting yearly exams. When my mom had cancer, she didn’t know because she refused to go to the doctor. If she would have went, she most likely wouldn’t have died. I now go for yearly exams and my Dr is very thorough and it puts my mind at ease. I had blood work done last March and my liver enzymes were high, right away my Dr. Sent me for further tests and I found out I have liver fibrosis but not cirrhosis yet. Now I have time to hopefully reverse it. It’s not caused by alcohol but I started exercising more, eat very low fat and take herbal meds and my numbers have gone down quite a bit already.

My suggestion is find a good Dr. and get yearly exams, I think that’ll put your mind at ease.

Niki_ profile image

Wow that’s a lot.. first off I’m sorry for all of your loss… anyway you slice it you have been though a lot💛 I do go to the dr… like last year I was having bad stomach cramping and I went for a colonoscopy and A barium swallow I had a CT scan and the dr’s never figured out what it was ** I ** figured it out lol I had a umbilical hernia… I made my own appointment with a surgeon and Gave him all my medical records and he agreed that was the issue and he did a hernia repair …so I think my new anxiety stems from not trusting dr’s .. so when I have something going on I feel so on my own to figure it out or I’m afraid of being misdiagnosed… or dealing with over unnecessary treatment and testing. Like I don’t want a CT scan again cuz of the radiation 🤦🏻‍♀️

designguy profile image

Hello Niki. I've had health anxiety on and off. I did find a book that helped some with understanding it called "It's not all in your head" by Gordon Asmundson and Steven Taylor. I also use the DARE book and phone app, the app is kind of like having your own coach. What helped me was knowing what is really going on, that health anxiety is really an attempt at control and that I had it because my father had it and he was hyper-concerned about his health. I also realized and accepted the fact that I was the only one who could calm myself down and make me feel safe in my own skin. It's easy for us who are prone to anxiety to blow things out of proportion and it's important to realize that when it is happening. Learning and practicing simple mindfulness is also very important for learning to not believe your anxious thoughts and let them flow through without judgement. Realizing and accepting what we truly can and cannot control is also very helpful. You have control by eating healthy and taking care of yourself but you also have to trust in the wisdom of your body for the rest. Medication could also help, my antidepressant helps lower my ruminating.

Thk6 profile image

I also suffer from health anxiety and know just how debilitating and overwhelming it can be. I finally got to the point where I decided I needed to speak with a specialist. I’ve worked with him for 1 1/2 years. I really didn’t want to take medication, but I eventually felt it would help get me over the hump. It has helped, and between that and the CBT, I’m definitely better. The problem with health anxiety is that the source of our anxiety is inside of us, and therefore, hard to avoid. It takes time and work, but it is treatable. Good luck. I know it can get the best of us, but just know that you can overcome it. The therapist always tells me that the only illness I am suffering from is health anxiety, no matter what my body and mind are trying to convince me of otherwise.

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply toThk6

Thank you for the response💛 can I ask what medication you take ? I have taken Zoloft for depression years ago.

Thk6 profile image
Thk6 in reply toNiki_

Hi, Niki, I am taking Escitalopram (Lexapro). Started it in December, 2020. I’m on a low dose, but it definitely has kept the “I’m dying of this disease or that disease” thoughts at bay, which keeps the anxious feelings/adrenaline rush at bay.

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply toThk6

Thank you!

Thk6 profile image
Thk6 in reply toNiki_

I hope that gives you a little guidance or at least something else to consider. This is no different than any other illness that can be treated and “cured.” Feel free to reach out with any other questions.❤️

gerrerd profile image

Potentials unlimited on line get a download, try the relaxation one first. x

Cutiey75 profile image

Hi, I have Anxiety to it started when I was 20 I’m 46 now. My doctor gave me medication to. I tried meditation it helps me a little. I found an app for it. I tried yoga it helps too. I hope you get the help you need.

SMB411 profile image

Hi Nikki! I too have heath anxiety and I find it hard to enjoy life or do my job. I’m constantly looking for lumps and feeling my neck lymph nodes. Right now I’ve had neck pain and convinced myself I have lymphoma. Every 6 months there is a new cancer I think I have. I have a 9 month old daughter and I can’t even enjoy my time with her.

Bill181 profile image

This post just showed up and it says it's from 6 months ago I hope you're ok

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