I feel like there's so many good people who deserve to be here, i dont feel like I'm one of them. I feel like I'm just not worth it. So many people who do good in the world and pass away yet I'm still here? I just kinda feel my existence doesmt help anyone. Sorry random rant...
Sometimes I feel like i don't deserve... - Anxiety and Depre...
Sometimes I feel like i don't deserve to be here

Hi, good and bad people die, death isn't reserved for the good. We remember people for all sorts of reasons. We remember bad people either for their news worthiness or for hurting us and we remember good people for their good deeds etc...
But, I remember my nanna because I loved her and she loved me... Simple as that.
Being a decent, caring person who has self respect and a great sense of humour is someone I would consider good. Good to be around, a good friend, partner and family member.
You have people in your life who love you and you love them? Be the best you can be, a smile, a hug, a comforting word, a laugh, a gift etc. .. all of these are meaningful and memorable. Look after the living.
You deserve to be here and you’re worth just as much as anyone else in this world we live in. I’ve experienced these same feeling and thoughts, and you can’t let them get the best of you. It’s pointless to compare our lives to others. In my own life I can see all the wrong I’ve done and hardly remember the good.. the fact that you’re seeing these things means you want to do good you just haven’t found out how yet. Some people never even have the desire like you do. Which to me, says you are good.
The past is past. Every day is a new opportunity to be better, to do better, even if it's in very small ways. Like you, I often feel I haven't done much/enough. We all battle with selfishness. It's part of our survival instinct. But there are always small ways to contribute, if only through a smile, a small donation, a quick message. That you are making the effort to be here, participating, is a gift to yourself and others.
You do deserve to be here.
The world is full of good people. No 1 person is more deserving than another. There are, unfortunately, also some ‘bad’ people, but more than that there are millions of good people who sometimes do bad things, no one is perfect. There is a huge spectrum of ‘bad’ though and it’s easy to criticise ourselves for things other people wouldn’t. Some of these good people you see have probably done ‘bad’ things you know nothing about.
Most people’s lives don’t impact loads of people but you are still important to many people. You do matter, you are important and you absolutely deserve to exist.
You also don’t know what the future holds and how many people you could impact with your kindness in the future.
You are important and you matter ❤️
I know what you mean, there’s me no dependents unhappy not wanting to be here and few that would notice if I wasn’t. Then you hear on the news how a young dad of 4 dies in a car accident and it just seems unfair that that death effected so many lives and it feels like you would swap with them to make things better.
We’ve got to stop comparing ourselves. To anyone. Comparison is self-defeating and usually not accurate at all. I am guilty of it. But I am also aware enough to know that what I see is only a small part of the true picture. No matter how small or minute a contribution we think we make to the world or to the people we love it’s effects are much greater than we know. I believe if should look back on those who have contributed something valuable in our own lives. Oftentimes that person may have been a mixed-bag of good and not so good. Or, that person only did something small by their own account but it meant something big to us.
I’m just going to say it! I truly believe that those of us who feel worthless are buying into a huge LIE! We aren’t perfect. We have mental health struggles. But, By Golly, we have great worth. We are the ones helping others going through their own struggles even if it’s just a little bit of understanding or a kind word.
Believe in YOURSELF! And I will try to as well! 💗
Well said Dreamie, I shall try with you!
Let’s do! I’m tired of the lies that play in my head telling me I’m not good enough. They’re just thoughts. And they’re wrong. 💗
Yes someone said to me the other day how well I was coping with things and I burst out crying because my head has been saying awful things and it was so nice to hear something nice. It is hard to turn off those thoughts but I do think that’s the answer, thank you
Completely understand. It means the world to me to be given some praise. Some acknowledgement of the good I am providing in this world. Or even just “I’m proud of you”.
I feel the same way, why do you feel that way? I can share too I’m having a bad day about the same thing
You're as good as anyone else. And the bottom line is you've been dealt another hand. You have a right to play because you have a seat at the table. Make the best of it.
Your existence is about you not other people. What ever you believe in you are here for you and only you. We must never give up on ourselves.
Make your life what you want it to be its for you!!
Listen , if only those who deserve it could have life then this would be an empty planet. Everyone has the capability to be bad or good. No one is all bad or all good but a mixture of the two. Why some people align themselves with either one is difficult to determine. I suspect it has to do with love. It's hard to pass it along if you have never had the experience. I don't accept that as an excuse to do wrong but it does tell us how hateful people are created. The old question of genetics vs environment... a little of each I suppose. A little kindness can cure a lot of ills. Pam
I know that feeling of “I take up too much space” —I know, intellectually, it’s my depressed brain lying to me, but it’s hard to remember. Just know everyone struggles, it’s just some people hide it better, but it doesn’t make the struggle less. Just more of a secret. You deserve to be here, in this space and on this planet.
It is believed that pain is temporary. Everything will be okay soon
YOU are meant to be here… many people are taken in life early because that was in the plan, or violence or accidents happen. It is obviously not your time! Instead of feeling bad- go out and make a difference. Go volunteer somewhere that will show you how lucky and blessed you are! That you are in the right place at the right time. Best thing to do when we are having pity parties is to go help others. YOUR life is precious- go share your goodness to others.