Hi all, I’m very new to this panic thing. On Buspirone and started therapy and I’m not sure if they work sometimes. Everyday I feel as if I’m having to talk myself down or am fear of having more panic attacks. I thought meditation was the key but now not sure. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to getting outside of my head when intrusive thoughts come up??
struggling : Hi all, I’m very new to... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi Frogeyes, Meditation, Medication as well as therapy is a start in going forward.
Unfortunately, it doesn't happen overnight. Addressing the root/issue behind our
fears takes time to allow us to work on the problem. Medication is not necessarily
the key to alleviate panic but can help in breaking that cycle of fear begets fear.
Meditation can be an important tool which also takes time. Listening to meditation
must be daily (night&morning) Even with that it takes our brain at least 30 days
to absorb the new concept of positivity. After that, it will get easier for your
subconscious mind to accept relaxing as soon as you hear the words in meditation.
Falling asleep to meditation can help change the direction of your subconscious thoughts
while you sleep allowing you to awaken in a more positive place.
As for your medication, please talk with your prescribing physician in how you are doing.
They may need to adjust the dosage or even change the meds. Time will tell xx
Hi Frogeyes. You’re not alone that’s for sure. Anxiety and panic is a demon. So glad you’re addressing it. Do you do any deep breathing exercises? Inhale slow and deep through nose, hold three seconds and exhale slow. Say a mantra like this too shall pass or I can calm myself or I am healthy and safe. You can also try doing mindfulness. Just noticing ur environment and identifying things like the table is brown the sweater feels soft the tv is on etc. basically noticing sound smell touch site and saying it in ur head. Intercepts the worrisome thoughts and redirects ur attention. Hope it helps.
If you're at home, try holding ice in both hands. I've heard that this will help you to focus on something physical, thereby pulling you into the present. Also try doing a wall sit. Your legs will really start to hurt after a while and you absolutely will not be able to think of anything else!
Have you tried tapping? It really helps me. I just do the free ones at this site. thetappingsolution.com/
You might check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos about how to constructively deal with panic attacks. Learning what is really going on and proven ways to deal with them helps take away the fear. Another helpful thing is instead of meditation I practice simple mindfulness which for me is just sitting and letting my thoughts flow in and out and not attaching to them. It is a good practice to realize that you are not your thoughts and they can come and go if you don't attach to them or believe them. Understand that the majority of our thoughts are negative because they are the way we protected ourself but anxious thoughts are lies and the key is to never believe them no matter how scary or fearful they are, they ate just harmless thoughts - we all have them..
thank you, I will definitely look into this. This sucks but in a weird way it’s comforting to know it’s just not me. Take care
Hello Frogeyes,
It sounds like you feel stuck in a hard place fearing the panic attack that brings on a panic attack. I have had anxiety for a long time. It was that low, underlying fear of failing. I had my first identified "attack" in 2020. Soon after that I started with an online life coach.
I had never tried intentional, deep breathing before. He walked me through it. He reminds me to start if I am hung up on something that is triggering me. It has been the only consistent thing to work and bring my breathing, heart rate, and panic back under control.
Meditation is more for daily practice. It helps you get centered, relaxed, and lets you focus on what you need to and want to do. It opens you for reflection and allows you to respond to a stressor without high emotions. It is not for an acute attack. I know that my mind would never let me meditate while in an attack. Luckily, I have only been in a handful of severe attacks.
When you talk to yourself are you saying "don't panic", "this is really going to suck when I panic", or "see I knew I could not deal with this without panicking"? Those types of thoughts or internal dialog are actually reinforcing the anxiety.
When meditating or facing something tough imagine a happy, safe place. Relax your hands, jaw, neck, etc. Breathe. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7, exhale for 8. It does not have to go in the nose. In and out of the mouth is fine if that is easier.
Best wishes.