I have been battling depression and anxiety since about February of this year. I was divorced in May of 2021 after 22 years of marriage. In April of 2022 I met lady who I had been texting for 6 months. We started to date in April, moved in together in her house in October (I know way too soon). Anyway after a few months started having depression and almost debilitating anxiety. Missed 12 weeks of work, thank goodness for FMLA. During that time we started to grow apart. Finally she said I needed to get my own place. Around April she said that. Stayed there until I could finally find a place in June. I am still in love with her but she has lost any romantic feelings for me. I'm 56 and feel very lonely and depressed. I am very involved in my church with small groups and things so I am getting out. At this age you worry about being alone and not finding anyone. Weekends are the worst. All my friends are married. I thought she was the one but God has different plans for me. Still have a lot of pain and am heart broken 💔 Just any advice on how to work through the pain? I guess it goes away eventually. Still a tough process.
Severe Depression, Anxiety and Heart ... - Anxiety and Depre...
Severe Depression, Anxiety and Heart broken

Hi Agora I'm going to report this problem.sometimes replys just go and photos don't go them replied too Hu aren't here weekend as far as know tho 🤗💛🌟xx
Hi Cheeriosatmidnight,
I'm sorry for what happened to your relationship. Unfortunately, life doesn't come
with guarantees. The best thing in healing this hole in your heart is to give yourself
"time". Time to grieve and time to heal.
Keep busy with the outside world. Don't build a wall around yourself.
Remember time goes by whether we go forward or stay stuck in a cycle of
Depression and Anxiety. May you continue to heal at your own pace and in
your own time. I'm glad you are here with us as many have also gone through
the same thing. You are not alone new friend. xx
Hi I'm tired so sorry it's brief as your recently heartbroken it's harder to be single but you really will get used to it even like it well once the grief has heeled and it will, to speed it up keep busy and foccus on your church group and helping others, the right lady will come when the times right, I used to hate been without a boyfriend but I love time alone now I still wouldn't mind some company when I'm less busy but I got independent for many years there's advantages to been single maby make a list, try not to worry life has a way of sorting things out, sorry I'm not that good at replying to ight I'm so tired with new house move, and if the lady was right for you she'd be with you now sending a hug 🤗
I'm a divorced man a few years older than you. All I can share with you from my own experience is to work on becoming your own best friend before seeking someone else to fill that role in your life. Do you have any particular hobbies or interests that can help fill your mind? Take care of yourself, and definitely use all the resources you can find here.
Hey buddy, I am so sorry you are enduring this! This must feel so terrible for you. I know how that feels- having gone through a divorce recently.
Sometimes, our way of thinking can hinder us. I got stuck in the mindset of "I am unlovable, everyone else is worthy but I am not." It really sucked, but what I have learned is to try and shift my mind to thinking like this:
* This person is who I needed at that particular time in my life. I am thankful for the time we had.
* After my divorce, I thought I might not find another person, and I did. I can do it again.
*I learned lessons in this relationship, and can apply them to my future relationships.
*This person has moved on, and that shows that they couldn't be who I needed them to be. Someone else can be though.
I know it is easy to say these things to someone, but I really do think they help. I said these things to myself so many times and I now believe it. I hope things get better for you!
I’m sorry for your sadness and depression. I can’t advise anyone on how to deal with the pain. I’m 65 and have been married for 40 years. He’s still here bit we barely speak anymore and when we do he’s usually telling me i don’t know what I’m talking about. I stay because it’s my family’s legacy and I’m too old and disabled to do it on my own. I come here to talk to people who understand my depression and sadness. Jump in the boat there’s room for one more!!