Just looking for some people to chat with who have anxiety and panic attacks frequently. Nobody I know has it like I do so it would be nice to meet some people who do.
have a great day!
Just looking for some people to chat with who have anxiety and panic attacks frequently. Nobody I know has it like I do so it would be nice to meet some people who do.
have a great day!
Hi nice to meet you. So yesterday and the day before I had panic attacks badly. It felt difficult to breathe. I’m the past I would feel like I was dizzy, even floating in a scary way.
What are your panic attacks like?
hey starr, thanks for replying. I just had one about 30 minutes ago. I get dizzy and sweaty and my heart starts to race. Always thinking I’m about to have a heart attack. I found this site by looking up on google how to deal with anxiety and support groups popped up. I thought I’d give it a go.
Oh me to on the heart racing and sweating … I take Propanolol for rapid heartbeat sometimes.
Honestly, this community is amazing and I’m glad you found it. Welcome ✨❤️✨
Welcome to the group. I have an anxiety disorder (and major depression). So I can identify with your post. Sometimes I’m so afraid something is going to happen, I’ll have a panic attack. It’s rough to always feel like the other shoe is about to fall. I try to remember that F.E.A.R. Is just False Evidence Appearing Real. Mindfulness and staying in the moment are other tools I use to stave off the anxiety. Otherwise I’m pushing myself to cover anticipatory bases that don’t need the effort. Meditation works well too. Glad you’re here and hope it helps you.
Yes this gives us the way to hear us which no-one does with us outside the group
I'm going through the same issues you are. Anxiety and panic attacks since childhood. My previous SSRI stopped working, so my psychiatrist recently switched me to sertraline, gradually upping the dose until she felt it was at a therapeutic level. She also added buspirone, a low dose. It takes time to adjust, time to work. How are you doing on the sertraline?