I am at a loss I got into a fight with my husband yesterday because I lied to him about talking to my mom which he won’t let me and he threatened to do an emergency custody order for our son. So all I was trying to do was go outside and do the same thing or call the cops so I can leave with my son. He stopped me at the door which my arm got stuck in the door and now it’s bruised and hurting he also choked me to prevent me from heading out the door. I refuse to leave without my son now I don’t know what to do I am so scared.
Have no way out : I am at a loss I got... - Anxiety and Depre...
Have no way out

How horrible and terrifying. I recommend contacting this website/phone number and making a safety plan:
Sending hugs to you and your son. Nothing wrong with you--there's something really wrong with him and you need to get the two of you out of there as soon and safely as possible.
If you haven't already, change your passwords, lock your phone, clear your browser history.
Leave as soon as he is not in the house. Take your son. Don't worry about money, clothes, or anything. Just go, and go straight to a police station. Another option would be to call the police to come and get you, but either way, LEAVE as soon as you can, and do not come back under any circumstances.
You can take your son & go to any ER. Show them the bruises and tell them you were choked. They will call the police. Choking is extremely serious. It can lead to death or brain damage. Never agree to see or meet with him again.
This isn't just about you. Your son needs to be protected, too. If you can't get to an emergency room, at the earliest opportunity, call the police, even if you have to hide in the bathroom with your cellphone!File charges against your husband, and don't even THINK of dropping them, no matter how much he sweet talks you. This man needs to be locked up before he does more damage.
I just want to add that recently you posted that you couldn't get into a shelter because they only take domestic abuse victims. You now have the "credentials", and this is why it's important to notify the police and have your injuries documented. I hope you will keep us posted.
I can't add more than what other people have said, but agree that you need to get out now with your son. Sending you lots of hugs across the miles.
Maybe you need to consider going to a womens shelter and they can assist you to pursue legalities. No one business what is going on between you and your spouse but it is NEVER ok for someone to choke you, hit you or threaten you and/or your child. Ever. Period! Praying for you!
Call the cops, this is abuse, and if your son sees these things happening to you he will start to think that abusing a woman is acceptable behaviour. There are refuges, and people who can help, also, if his abuse comes out in court he will Not get custody.
I have been there, and although I live in Britain, The courts are better than you might think. Also, CPS might be worth a call. These is more help out there than you may realise. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your son. I had two children who I had to bring up solo.
Cheers, Midori
This is a police matter. He laid hands on you. Have your son go to a relatives home or find a women’s and children’s shelter that will take in both of you. Go to the hospital and they I’ll call the police. Document everything he says or does.
if you always take your son to school divert to ER or police - get a secret hidden cell phone with all your numbers in incase he takes your phone (keep the charger with it - have a secret email to send photos to - always delete history on messages, calls & on computer - my feather took my passport and was going to take me out of the country - can family or friend sort out secret accommodation for you? - can they pick you both up when he’s not around - you have to get out while you still can also yours & sons mental health for now & later in life - good luck & never go back especially when he says he’s sorry it won’t happen again because it more than likely will x