Hi, im relatively new here, just a brief intro, 52 male, artist and small business owner. Long time anxiety sufferer, been through the gauntlet countless times. Im in therapy, on meds, have support group the whole nine but have been having struggling more lately
Separate from all that is that im not interested in a serious relationship right now. I feel like im so busy with projects and stuff and thankfully, i have enough people and support in my life. I feel like im not even interested in dating because i wouldnt want to get too attached or vice versa. So i have people to talk to but not much physical contact. So ive been thinking about hiring a cuddler, a woman you pay to cuddle and have touch and physical contact. Theres a few websites ive checked out, im not sure what to think, some of the women may be offering more than cuddling im not sure, im not saying that would be a bad thing either. I just dont know what id be getting into so to speak. Has anyone tried this or looked into it for themselves? What do people think of the idea?