In a few months I will be 2 years attending therapy. Last year a memory returned to my mind that at first I didn't know whether to classify as a memory, a dream or a product of my imagination. But then I said to myself: why would my mind create something like that?
I ignored it for a whole year even though it came back to me constantly, I didn't talk about it with anyone, I didn't even dare to write it down in my diary where I write down everything.
The memory occurs when I was between 9 and 12 years old, I was asleep in my room and my brother 6 years older abused me.
Yesterday, after having this in my head for all this time, I took the risk of telling my psychologist and she told me what I didn't want to hear: it's real, it's a memory that has been unlocked.
Now I feel deeply broken, torn and relieved at the same time.
Now many things in my life make sense: my deep sadness makes sense, the catastrophic thoughts, the anxiety, the constant guilt, the instinctive rejection of my brother, the repetitive urinary tract infections for no apparent medical reason, the idea that all my partners were only looking for me for sex, the intense nightmares I've had all my life and the disconnection with my body make so much sense.
Currently only my husband and my psychologist know this, I didn't know who else to talk to, that's why I came here.