Creating new posts is not my thing as I consider my problems trivial in comparison to most other people here. I always believe that I can just talk myself out of it, no need to bother others. This is also something that's not an issue to most but bothers me a lot. I know this post is too long. If it's too long to read, just pls tell me it'll get better thank you.
I was constantly beaten down by my so-called friends in the past few years. Before that, it was the toxic relationship with my parents, which I left and cut most of the ties and connections from their end. Ironically, I ended up being close friends with similar people.
I've been learning to stand up for myself, to stand by my value and ignore their opinions on me. Made good progress in the past 3 months. Now I can listen to them talk to my face about what I'm lacking, and just shrug and calmly state my opposite opinion. (I still have to meet them from time to time for work reasons, can't change that in near future) Sometimes I win the debate, sometimes I don't. The point is I'm not taking it personally any more. It still affects my emotions of course, but it will pass quickly, unlike before. Back then, and many years before that, I'd take it all in and blame myself for everything, eventually to the point that I wanted to end it all because the world is better off without such a useless poop manufacturer like me (lol).
I thought I had the solution to this problem. But the feeling came back today. Now I'm drinking water to calm down and type.
As I drifted away from those toxic friends, I find myself left with only one close friend. We supported each other through the pandemic. A lot of happy memories together, some similar hobbies and history. This is someone who I consider a real friend, where my secret is safe with them and vice versa.
But it seems that our relationship is only good when we're alone together. When we started to hang out with other friends, they would challenge my words in front of everyone and make jokes about me. I didn't think much of it, until I realise that they never allow me to joke about them. They'd push back, act cold afterwards, and be more aggressive next time. I didn't think much of that either, they are just being sensitive, which I can relate. But it really gets to me when they disappeared for several months when I needed the support the most. During that time, I was the one texting them, starting conversations, proposing plans and got turned down. It's always work. I didn't really mention my struggle, I wanted to meet in person and talk about it. But they didn't give me a chance. When we finally talked about it, I was already like 80% to where I am now. They were being supportive, yes, but frankly it was too little too late.
I figured I just shouldn't expect too much, they obviously made the decision to keep a distance. It was difficult to accept but I did. There's no point in lingering any longer, this is not good for me. I don't have time to be bitter about it, all my time should be spent on myself to recover and stay "normal". But it's hard. Now I'm left with no one by my side.
The worst part is we still get to hang out together. I thought it can work out as regular friends, just for the company, exchange information and such. But as it turns out, I can't stand their jokes and challenges any more. I can't stand them being the center of attention and making me invisible any more. It happened this weekend, both yesterday and today, for some messed-up reason. I planned this weekend for myself to recover from work, now that plan is disrupted. I talked back and stated my point every time I'm challenged and made fun of. But it hurts. Even you? I thought. I felt betrayed by everyone, but I also felt that perhaps I'm the one turning everyone around me into jerks.
I know that I souldn't have tolerated it just because they were my friends. I know that I shouldn't have contacted them looking desperate. I know that now I just need to move on and meet new people. Or stay focused on my work, or whatever I enjoy doing. But I'm tired. My heart has worn out. I need a shoulder to cry on but there is none.