I made a post about something and it got uploaded I think but it won't let me see or delete the post cause it says health unlocked redirected me too many times and I'm super annoyed about it cause I was upset about what I was posting about at the time I wrote it so I put my emotion into it for me not to be able to see it.
So the problem is lately I've been thinking a lot about my social anxiety and how it affects me. At night when I'm trying to get to sleep I think things like: I'm won't be able to plan my wedding, I won't be able to raise my kids, I won't be able to help my kids out when they need it because I'm so anxious and it's taken over me and don't think I'll ever get out of it because I'm already 18 and I can't even talk to people what makes me think I can look after a baby/children one day. And I've naturally always been kind of clumsy so the social anxiety just adds to that. I'm just so scared about how I will be in the future, I can't even look after myself let alone do others things. I'm just dumb and anxiety filled and I will never amount to anything and I will get nowhere in life. I look at people who are hard working and clever and I feel so sad inside cause I know I can't be like that. I will stay clumsy and anxious. π’π’π’