working on my "sugar/life sugar" Vit ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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working on my "sugar/life sugar" Vit F (fun) and Vit P (play) deficiencies......and Vit F2 and F3( ist amendment, and friends** /true freind

21 Replies

one drawing exercise chose a state u lke: draw the borders (outline) then the roads, cities

etc.....main features............................same basic with one** (one not the ......not the method of many methods...... one way one way .........of drawing.......) ....i use reference photos al the tme.......

my new friend.......just the outline......then the eyes and gradual refinement.......

im a amatueur..........not professional..........there are tons of styles and methods.......taken me a longlong time to realize ........i can fix most things in art......(sure when one is drawng as final - keep;ing neat is helped with a piece of paper underneath ur hand.......keeps from smudging..............lots of tutorials on pininterest and utube.........pretty sure im the last to know...

hard to find the USB ports in trees on the farm............jjust a insult to farmers......just sayng i like people who make things and use their hands........i do admire any level of craftng from jewery to caligraphy and and and and time i win the lotto ill jst buy Hobby Lobby for us all.........hows that sound? What is your vit F (fun ) plans for today? What nice thing are u dooing for u? or others ? hey........electronic cards to St judes..........reallllllll easy.........lots and lots of hurting people here.........sure makes a fella feel better to say somenign nice to other pepole hurting too.........helps forget about ones problems.........god love "pets" too.........(real family) ....

prob should get him vaccinated and a colar......dont want to lose him ..................DAD!!!! Squarrels!!!!!!!!!(apolgries for my ol radio tubes are sloooowly rusting..........) DAD hurry........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squirrels !!!!

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21 Replies

(( sponsored by State Farm))))

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Well done, you have great talent.

Like a good neighbor


in reply to Dolphin14

LLLLLLLOoooooooooooooooooove State Farm .....bit of AlState too........

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Can't beat good neighbors. We both know that

in reply to Dolphin14

nope.......back home when the woman goes the hosp........her rfrig is filled

when man breaks his leg.........5 combines cut his fields autmatically

fk the gd fkg ........mhs fk system

it aint us..........

in reply to

wish we had a pope with some ..xioiuo......and threaten to excommuincate all drug cartel people who are mostly thats gong to happy.......

id hire or fund.......the guardian angels to make sure ...all these cases released from a person vetted escort home..........the docs all think were preditors......have no idea how many patients came and sat down next to me on the busses after being discharged........she knew she was safe..........too bad peopl only hear one side of the story........and they never see the real their many nurses know............dont know this person til u really know this person........yes im not an enotherlial cell

im a neutrophil........complement and the entire immune system......if i have to be......mhs is soooooooooooooo stupid.........they wouldnt last twenty min onthe streets..........rather be martyrs.......their ssytem doesnt the outside world...............u cant negotiate.......with certain people.........laughable.......

in reply to Dolphin14

30 years helps but thanks ill take it....who doesnt like someone to like their cooking so to speak......we all try try to please.....some are just impossible.......others.....a supporters...........go State Farm and Alstate...

just trying ink pen as its so much easier ------------for me--------than paiintg...will overwash.......some do colored pencils........and water colors......whatever

working to effect.......the effect..........UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU want.......

i just sit and doodle away...nnothing grand..........not unlike people knitting

comes together at the end (how people knit and weave......omg anther story)

pen and ink details of wolf face...
Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

It's beautiful Brig


in reply to Dolphin14

the thing is here.........i could try pen.......ratrher than trhe purists.......oh u must master the paint brush........fine.......but many artists use sponges or what they are loooking for........lots of ways to do it....aceepted here is part of the message.......

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Yes I think I don't think art should be looked at as a one size fits all. Imagination and creativity.

in reply to Dolphin14

dolphin we all need some area we can achieve in as u know....why people dont undrstand that......why dump on people area that helps them not feel below everyone else in bad medicine im happy to be anesthesia...i dont want other areas i dont want to be a surgeon and so forth i dont want the responsibltyh of other areas.......i appreciat after 30 hard years........finally coming through..i can do lots of other things...........oh no witnesses.........or ooh ur famly whose never there and can do......bad mouths u........i am proficeint in many equpoemnt farm managerment........oh no witnesses........this is tangable evidence wthen people esp the system challnages u.......they nevr belive a word.......been a contractor since i was 16 and a logger and andnand tried for the olympic team........ya right sure........what are u supposed to say.........prob just leave.......wood working on and on.........not my prob the system is so jaded.......

thank u........and thank u for all the support and encouragement from State Farm...makes a big difference.......our art and progress and abitliy to experienment and trial and error comes from supportive from long standing freinds like constructive eye on the kudu........that is not ** crticsm.........thats a conference and invited and sometimes ........i need input or help or whatever word u want..........the tone is completly unnasty and is not hurt by that....i want a product .......that i can be proud of .......not a painting where the eyes are a real sitaution ...a friend would helpfully critique eachothers works.......but critique is NOT critiscm.................also when friends keep each other out of trouble........thats completely differnt ...u have known each other a long long time.......i want to do good work......i want to improve......constructive feed back....needs more sugar.....but gttnig close isnt wrong.......thats totall differnt.......

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to


I see what you are saying now. I think how things are perceived may be in the words State Farm. Protective words, security etc.

in reply to Dolphin14

im ultra safe wth my old horse or to do whatever i want.......same wth some true feinds who dont dump u for burning the toast.........or or or......and we can have our pancakes our way iHops.........whatevr floats u boat........some plain some super loaded........what differnce does it make........some knit some drive trucks........ya long as they like what they do.........we also can read any journal nay book we want........just because i ride horses.......dosnt mean i dont know phsyhcs and fusion and the periiodic table and hsitory and anthroplogy adnandnandnand ..........most people have all knds or hidden thngs once they feel safe enogh...........some in our society blow their horns...........most others the quiet ones.............doesnt mena they dont have a lot hidden behnd them..........once u earn their trusth or share their hsotry.........

in reply to

they arnt going to talk about their past a goldmneof history having soomen n thier face or not being recpetive...or interested in who they are ........they will know a mile away...........they wont tellu what it was like in 1925 on the farm and all that history is gone...........because some peple are good listnerners and some never learned..........and think their standards are the only ones......or travel overseas and think ameican standards are the starndaards..........then dont travel.........each coutnry proud of thier country too ..........not just america first.........

in reply to

best part of travel or living oversear is get off the beaten path and just hang out with the town.........stay ahwile and u really start to soak up alll of it.........bread and cheese was abot all we needed then........times have changed.........u learn soo much by not.........marching through........the slower u go.......and many bike adn walk in england........the slower u go........the more u reallllllllllllly see.........and things just start hitting u.........800 year old houses and andnandandnanand.......go slow.........doing nothing is.......doing somehitn if u realywant to ge to know the people.......and cutlure......

in reply to

old world craftsman ship and art well respected in other cultures ours is sceince (fine im medical too) and technology first........well ......lots of culures arnt.......

in reply to

art and music are seros businesses in other cutlrue not lame duck...oh.....just an artist........fine i can take it but thats our cutlrue.......

Stippler profile image

Very beautiful! Thank you for sharing that!

in reply to Stippler

hey thanks--- keep going with urs!!!!love it......

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