My anxiety disorder is inherited but I know how to deal with it thanks to the teachings of 'the woman who cracked the anxiety code' - Claire Weekes. Through the understanding, reassurance and recovery her method brings I am able to control my occasional visitations of health anxiety.
But I'm pushing 80 now so can't automatically take it for granted that some new symptom is down to nervous sensitisation.
Just recently I've been over-stressed due to a young member of my family falling ill and losing his income just when his first child is about to be born.
I've noticed over the last few days a small blind spot briefly appearing next to my centre of vision when I alter my gaze whilst reading. Most probably 'nerves' I thought but how can I be sure: like I said real organic illness becomes more of a possibility when the Big 8 draws close.
Here's something I've used before which may come in useful to others some day.
I have a small script of diazepam (Valium) which I keep in reserve for dire emergencies should one ever come my way. I know from my pre-Claire Weekes days what a God send the much maligned diazepam is. It brings tranquillisation in minutes rather than weeks and is highly effective. And no more addictive than any other highly effective med.
So this morning after noticing the short-lived blind spot when reading I took a 5mg. diazepam. I felt its calming affect immediately. Then one hour later I tested my vision for the blind spot on a page of black-and-white type. Sure enough it was conspicuous by its absence no matter how many times I tested for it. It's now 6 hours later and the momentary blind spot still has to make an appearance.
So now I know without shadow of a doubt it was a symptom of jangled nerves and not the first sign of macular degeneration.
The moral of this story is: if you want to know for sure whether some symptom is 'nerves' playing up or genuine organic illness you could do a lot worse than do the diazepam test.