Yesterday i noticed i finally have started to feel positive feelings. You all know hte terrible content of mine before. I even read some homeworks i wrote home and they're so unstable. But i shouldn't punish myself for that. My parents suffocated my positive emotions and grew negative. And it was really hard for me. I noticed i was getting excited, satisfied, happy over skin arec and fashion and taking care of myself. My dad used to hate when i do this. Shame it. Even got a woman who dresses like a guy. And my peers were pretty, confident, self loving, enjoying facemasks and stuff... I also got excited over new ppl i met and my dad just said "where u got these from". I'm excited about food and my family says we have food at home, it's not healthy, it's expensive, it makes me fat... But damn i love pizza, donners, gyros, chineese food omre than what they cooked, sorry. And i'm sorry for my content but i was in hell, having no positive emotions. Now i see the light
Im sorry in advance - i'm going to my mom's today, Tommorrow at the seaside for 2-3 days, hten home 1,then granma birthday. I should write an assignment before i go also. Trying to focus on hte positive like the seaside. Hope i don't lose my mind and If i do to handle it. Wish me luck