I had planned to go camping for a few days by myself. I love camping but don’t have many friends. Turns out, after a dry summer, it’s rains on my parade! I feel like things like this happens to me all the time. I’m tired of things being so difficult. I work hard trying to keep afloat. I work full time….take care of my elderly parents on weekends…., try to maintain my home while suffering from depression and OCD. I’ve been on dating sites to meet people…nothing ever seems to work. I’m tired all the time and really just want to stay in bed all day. It’s so hard to get motivated to do anything and I am so burned out in life…
lonesome : I had planned to go camping... - Anxiety and Depre...

Yeah, the rain always dampens the camping experience haha. Hope you stayed dry!
But I don’t want to do anything! How do I get motivated??
Depression is different to most illnesses in that you have to do something to be motivated and not the other way round.
You sound like you have a lot on your plate so is there any way you could lessen that a bit? Do you have other family who could help with your parents? Could you afford to cut down your hours at work?
You are tired and no wonder with what you are doing and it's essential you have time to yourself to recharge your batteries. I think this is a priority for now.
Kudos to you for attempting to go camping by yourself. I am alone most of the time but don’t do much because of it.
I'm so impressed that you went camping by yourself. Sorry about the rain. Being exhausted is the worst. I hope you get some rest soon.