is it possible that I’ve let myself get to far gone with my mental stuff. And that I will not recover from this or be in constant fear of more panic attacks and other things. I feel like I’ve had a lot of times I could’ve pulled myself out of this but I just let myself keep falling down into the hole to where I am now. I can’t even drive anymore without panic I just want to sleep all the time though the sleep is bad like I said in my other posts my brain just feels so funky most the time so does my body. Like my mom said your brain and body have been through a lot needs time to heal. But like I’m trying to believe I can get myself out of this but I just feel so much different then the other times I tried pulling myself out over the last couple months. I still exercise everyday trying to breath better. Still fighting this sinus allergies idk what on top of the panic and anxiety. And of course feeling so bad having that panic attack the whole way down to the neurosurgeon and during the appointment and after I’m afraid it’s just going to keep happening. Yes I try and tell myself I’ve felt like this before and it hasn’t killed me but my mind is literally in just survival mode when it happens. Just a fear of fear and fear of it keep happening.
is it possible to be to far gone? - Anxiety and Depre...
is it possible to be to far gone?

I’m just barely coming out of my latest nose dive into that dark hole, so I understand your question. It’s so much easier to be kind to others then ourselves. So please try and be kind to yourself. Today I made myself get up make my bed and put real clothes on. Even though I get to my door and can’t leave. I at least tried today. So maybe just try one thing a day and then add each day after.
Everything really is going to be ok, we just have to get through this.
I pray for you to have a peaceful mind tonight and always. Just know you are not alone.
Hi Adam, it's me again lol I'm just not going to give up on you because I know thatone day you are going to see the light and pull yourself out of that deep dark hole.
I'd be the first one to say it isn't easy but it can be done. It's a process of retraining
your thinking to a more positive approach. When negativity sneaks in, push it out of
the way no matter how many times this happens.
Believe it or not, Anxiety is a bully and as long as it gets a negative response from you,
will continue badgering you knowing you will back off.
When this happens, a fear cycle is started and keeps growing. Somewhere along the
way, you need to cut that cycle of fear.
Start speaking up for yourself. This is your life and you are in control not some bully
headed entity that wants to win. It does nothing but play games with your mind.
But games are meant to win. I see you as a winner Adam, once you reach the point
that "enough is enough" Say it out loud and repeat it.. it will scare the peach fuzz off
this bully. Hearing your voice out loud will awaken your subconscious mind that you
mean business. It's going to happen for you when the time is right my friend. xx
Thank you agora I Want to figure out how to get out of this survival mode of trying to just make it through each day. I really want to try medicine again just to see if it could take this edge off but it’s so hard to get into a psychiatrist it’s frustrating and I really want to be able to talk to someone who’s actually trained in it. I swear my pcp doctors and people think I’m crazy and don’t believe well one now wants me to go see a neuropsychatirst to see if my brain is working properly I know they say when you start healing and stuff you may not even realize it but I just want these weird things to go away especially the depersonalization I know it’s my bodies way of trying to protect me. My doctor even suggested trying gabapentin idk how I feel about that
I so understand what you are going through right now Adam. Don't giveup but just know that we are always here with you sharing our own experiences.
You never know when one of them may just be the answer you are looking for.
Good Luck in getting an appointment soon with a psychiatrist.. xx
Hi Adam, oh i do feel for you, last year I had a proper melt down and just couldn’t cope, I think it was after the covid lock down and not being able to get out anywhere, I was crying a lot and just couldn’t function normally, my anxiety was through the roof, my Dr tried three different antidepressants which didn’t suit me at all , it was only till I tried DULOXOTINE that I stared to feel more myself, I didn’t want to take them as I have a fear of the side effects they give, but I’m so glad I did, they have helped me so much, and thankfully with no side effects, I e been taking them for a year now, I thought could the side effects be any worse than the way I was feeling, so I would definitely try meds and try and think positively about them, good luck 😘
it's really important that you try to find a psychiatrist and begin taking medication. I know it's difficult to find them right now as they all seem to be very busy. Try to make finding one an absolute priority.