I'm ruining my life because of my roommate and going insane and ruining things with family. Granma offerred me to go there but i can't deside and i don't want to deside and i'm going insane. I can't rn. I need to feel calm. Anything nice appreciated
I need to calm down : I'm ruining my... - Anxiety and Depre...
I need to calm down

lets go....im peter pan...ur wendy......lost boys need u.....trust me ...lets go soaring to never never land ...Captain is long gone....lets buld some safe islands to go.....voyage into the mind...safe old memories and new adventures witint....lets go find someone where soooo far awy....no one can follow..........far far far far far away.................no pain no one can touch us there ...passing Saturn......
light years away to our world...ur world........no one knows about...u buld it.....
come on ....lost boys are waiting....tinkerbell is small protective and fierce....shes with always.........she is extremely protective....
ready? passing Jupiter......light light years ......away..............beond the beyondest beyond......only u and tinker can go......shes extremely ** protective............stay with her....

I am on Jupiter and i will forever stay a Child. I don't want to go back to Earth. Full of bad people
understand....some good but.....whoa baby.....wow lot i want to stay awary from...........i man i love to fly and explore.... welcolme ...any time...nice of u to go with the flow....some pep;le soooo uptight......next week we have tea with uncle albert on the ceilng ......tons......of fun....
light years and light years away...........places no human can go.......ever...just u and Tink....shes ur guardian.....NO ONE gets past her......

You're brillian Brig xx
18 months living with the enemy....so to speak...but then in 45 years .....ur the only ones....whode let me say this....hope that simple statement sinks in.....only u people are so accepting...not....the mhs ....u people...
was desperate ...and got lucky......u people put me bak to gether after the mhs..

Hoping i can be this strong
i dont have to be strong...i swimming with sharks...why wouldnt i be scared....of course i am...or a beat up half starrved kiccked around dog...why wouldnt he be scared......im sending him to u and u can take care of him pet him and he will put his head on ur leg...safe withu....we help**** each othr relax....only doctors command people to calm down or expect them to turn on turn off....is that how animals including us work.....heck no.............we help;.......each ...other .......night tears......ahhh spider!!!!! etfc......ya.........thats a community...............we not......machines as u know.......we keep each other company when were scared....all of us a have fears.....fearless is myth........we all benefit from quality company....humans are not designed to be alone alone alone.....anoth45 myth....hmmmmmmwonder why clubs and communities were invented? churches? group;s??????we are social creatures......olh my goodness horses can almolst never be left alone....
we dont over come our whatevers we just go through them and dont have to be strong srontg strong....naw......keep eadh other company....i have fears .......we all do....

b fine ulll sur;prise urs elf......lots of reseeve talent.. prob wayyyyy smarter brighter than i am..........having troubles replacing my old radio tubes made in 1902.

So glad to have you and Tinkerbell
Thank you so much. I need this so much
ur turn will come ....and ull be there for soemene else.....

Hope i can do it good, because at my state, i doubt myself
sucks to recieve doesnt it???

It doesn't, i'm so grateful you're here. I just doubt If i'm that helpful

Cute dolphins. Wish i could go to the seaside, everyone is there, i won't be going. Internship starts when mom's in leave from work and we can't go to the seaside. Mom already said we re not going
ooooooooh bet we could find a camera on line...u know of polar bears and eagles.....must be one for beach.......surely u can find one ..im still trying to fig out where the horn is on my compture......doesnt respond to a cluck like most horses.....does ur? where do i put the carrot? how much water does a computer use? HELP......
does ur comptre tie well when u go into a cafe? do the have computer hitching posts there? do u cver ur compter when i rains? poor computer standing alone in the rain.....bet ur take good care of urs ..where do put the saddle bags?
u can help me on computers........cant seem to.....ahh .....hmm...cant.......seem to....drat...find the stirrup....Help!!!!ddoes urs pull u off to eat grass? mine divers for the ditch.....GRASSSSS!!!!!!!!! what does ur doe....does ur computre roll after u wash it..???

I get frustrated at computer allll the timee
see how kind u are....we all are v sensiive to peoples voices and tones and .....we get it......prob an exceptional ear...and part of the problem
man....tone it down dad....ur yelling when i can MORE THANHEAR U FINE...WANT ME TO TALK LK THIS tO
U DAD????? lol......
oh....weeee get it.......think i m starting to fig this out
l o l.
ahhhhh aaas kindzaas thinksaaas wwe fig part of ze problme.....NOO????
ha.....ha ha....we all feel so for u.....u have fantatic hearing

Yeah, my problem s im really sensetive and kind
ya...u and 9999999999 percent of totally terrifid masters ive seen sinc 1802....sounds insensive but not...ya ur senstive and why ur going to college not mining coal 5hank th gods.....u havea brain and most are pretyy overwhelmed with choices.....friend of mine long ago in 1283 told me how she was so exhausted from stress and decsionss......her lead professor ....forced her to go home and sleep......which of course is lke......imp;ossle.....prob should be called 5he masters syndrome??? lol.......allllllll students of alll levels....terrified.......ya..........prob is tha5 hey need an old jackof the trade (mule ) to talk to ....shoot the stuf...so....whate else is new..........so what are myopions
of course people are scared overwhelmed......pck up colds ...ya stressed.....no offense.....ya?? NORMAL.....
so 1200 miles. out ....go to marathon function..throttle bak to save fuel...just slowly lean her out...there u go...peeerfect
u r a natural.......so u have 1200 miles and i have 2 pots of coffee....u ....have to come get ur cup....ha ha ha....so what ya want to study or have to? oh yes...i have two sooooo ya....barf bag....beeeen there.......ok but i have a phD in
boring........zzzzzzzzzzz why i went into anesthesia.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... i even bore me..........
oh yes masters degree is carrhying out a project...phd is new scence...(my father was a fullll professor....trained tons of masters.....) ......pick a project not too hard...not expected to be earth moving....just get er done...a traning degree....
hey....sorry just read ur bio...ur dad a mega genius vet..mom too prob...so....ur mega genius bright and mega sensive an d mga perceptive....
sometimes that radarhelps and sometimes i have to add regulators like the rods in N reactors.......help ease the active rods....
so..dads and other tones effect me....ya ok ...u have a great ear he doesnt konw abot........dad pretend im rabbit not a concrete maker...K??? lol ....hey we have to train them
ya dont have to be loud
i have rabbit ears or soemothing ...i hea u a mileaway..
scares the tar out of me ..why do u think im in psycolugy??
does he have mega masters standards?? u have to have huge proect...carry the famly name?? just a quiry......oh....ican use those wordswith u cant i?
wonder what that means? means u have a large frontal erebellar lobe in ur humunchulus.....est cranial capacity...hmmm 55444....prob NASA designed with cooling functions..........are u running the european super collider on t5he side? working on Fusion....?how are u controling the high temps in the chamber???

I feel like i am. And has is a vet phd, mom vet masters and pharmacy bachelor. I'm so sensetive that rn my roommate got home, locked herself and i'm frozen in fear
wonder if i can learn these lol....whats ur masters on?

I don't still have it. 1 last year bachelors. Masters is stressing me out cause i don't know what to be on and about the graduation work
Thank you so much. I don't know what i would do without you two
I want to be safe and loved. Thank you. I'm sleepy
Thank you so much. I really need someone to talk to me and care about how i am. Cripling anxiety but better
Right. And thank you