Today i was supposed to have an appointment to do overdue vaccines , and to make the nurse practitioner to fill a college health form . And to test for an infection I reminded my dad during the weekend and last week and he said ok . i told him today to take me to the appointment he tells me “ Do i have to take you there what is the appointment about yada yada yada i told him everything and he says he has “ work” he told me why did you make an appointment at that time and he told me why didn't you tell or ask me before you make an appointment ? He said i have no choice if it has to be today i told him that i was sorry and i should have known better . I had to cancel my appointment. hes still at home he has the time to call his friends and laugh. but he doesn't have time to take me to an appointment im a bit upset about it to be honest 😖. His work is fixing trucks and stuff he can do it anytime it doesn't take all day to take me to an appointment 😔 he mostly does work at home like doing loads for his drivers . Also my mom has a job as well shes a behavior therapist for Kids with Autisim .
i need to vent about something - Anxiety and Depre...
i need to vent about something

You have every right to vent Hiba. I’m sorry he didn’t take the time to take you to your appointment. Maybe next time you could arrange it so your mom can take you. Idk if she’s able to with her work schedule, but it would save you some stress maybe. 💛
Hiba - I'm also sorry this happened. It seems that your dad didn't take your things seriously, which is painful. Would you be able to make arrangements to go to your appointment by yourself. For example, is there a bus route that you can take? Or, as lovemydoggy suggests, see if your Mom can help.
All I have to say is we go back along ways and I know your family is from a different country and maybe this is a culture thing???? I don’t know……at any rate it got resolved and your Mom is taking you. Maybe that’s best if you have to answer questions a doctor will ask you and your Mom being a female herself will make it less embarrassing. Don’t know what else to say.
That's not cool that you reminded your dad and then he ditched you. I'm sorry you went thru that with him. It isn't like he had go in the room with you, he only had to take you there.😕

True its ok I have an appointment Friday so thats good ☺️
I'm sorry this happened. I can see where you would be upset especially where he was still sitting around on the phone. Maybe next time write it down for him and hang it on the fridge. It's upsetting when someone doesn't take your things seriously.
I'm glad you were able to get another appointment so soon.
That's so frustrating! My Dad doesn't hear very well anymore and tends to forget conversations so I completely appreciate your frustrations! I tend to make sure he's not distracted when I ask him things outside of the normal routine. Because he know he will forget, he also writes things down. It might also be worth keeping a calendar on the fridge that everyone can see and add to as this can prevent excuses and statements that can fall into the realm of gaslighting like 'you should have told me'Your health is far too important. Especially if there is an infection involved as if it's not properly treated, you could end up seriously ill, or worse.
I hope all goes well when you get to your appointment.
He is kind of a jerk isn’t he?
You need the vaccines and other things. What would happen if you were to get your parents to give you an Uber allowance? Sell it as being independent and respecting their time (even if it is more disrespectful of him).