Due to my severe anxiety and constant panic attacks I’ve finally felt confident enough to start working again! I stopped back in November because the holiday season would literally leave me feeling faint and like I was going to vomit. I loved my job but i was not in the point in my recovery to handle the holiday season in any way, shape, or form. As a customer nor as a worker. I couldn’t handle it.
I start my new job tomorrow and at first I wasn’t too nervous but now i am waking up in the middle of the night panicking and I feel terrified now that I have my schedule and I’m working a lot more hours and much longer days than I ever had at any other job, plus the pressure of training and hoping I’m good enough to stay. I really want this and I want to be good but I feel like I can’t if I can’t stop panicking. I feel like I can’t even enjoy today because I am so worried about tomorrow and I hate that. Today was supposed to be a nice girls day out and so far I feel hot flashes and am having stomach issues. My attack symptoms have been coming back after a few months of not worrying about them too much. I’m scared I may have to quit my job again before I’ve even tried my first day to be sure.
The anticipation of not knowing what to expect or if I can properly serve customers without them getting upset or upsetting my managers is killing me, plus stress at home between my parents going at it. It’s going to be hard for me standing for long periods of time also, but I really want this job and I really need the money right now.
Anyone have any tips for a new job and anxiety or preventing panic attacks? Any positive affirmations would be appreciated.