Me : hey guys, i unclogged the sink yey
Roommate 1 : No, big deal, If i bragged about everything i do for the accomodation, you would get spammed
Roommate 2 : *tags her* i washed the dishes haha
Leaves chat. Changing bedsheets. "Okay If they want war, war will get. Treating me like i'm not there, like i'm not a human. I was doing nothing that special huh? Then i stop doing exorsism. Enjoy the ghosts who don't pay rent, bills and 18bucks for toilet paper"
P. S. This is a pastel ghost. Really rare. Uses a lot of toilet paper, cries a lot, voice of anxiety, turns off the lights after you to save electricity
P. S. 2. I was taking a picture of the ghost while it was taking a picture of me. It said im scarier