Since it's Sunday I decided to stay in bed, going to get up and meditate shortly.
I'm trying to get myself into a routine, do you meditate? How do you try and start off your day? What works for you?
Since it's Sunday I decided to stay in bed, going to get up and meditate shortly.
I'm trying to get myself into a routine, do you meditate? How do you try and start off your day? What works for you?
I like that you tell yourself you can have a good day and be in a good mood.
When I really anxious I will at tines wake up feeling shaky and then the negative thought start coming in.
I have a habit of laying in bed when I first wake up then I start thinking about stuff too. I'm going to try getting up and making sure I take some time to meditate and stretch hoping that helps put me in a good mood first thing in my day.
I'm proud of you! Keep working at it!
This was my attempt this morning.. tho my cat decided to do yoga too so I had to share my mat lol
I most definately had no choice.
Her name is Stella she's 2 but very small so we call her Tiny!
My office has 2 French doors but she like to be where I am so if I close her out she sits on the counter and cries until I open the door.
Great Post merlin... finding what works for you and then practicing it everydayis the key.
As for myself, I meditate first thing upon awakening before getting out of bed.
I do "Affirmation Meditation" which instills in me what I can and am able to do.
Almost becomes more of a self hypnosis as well. After 20 min, I get out of bed on
a positive note saying to myself "I'm Back" lol
Midday, I take 5-10 min to once again use my breathing and meditation as a quick
regenerative tool (rather than taking a nap)
Again, once the day is over, I get into bed and put on my meditation self hypnosis tape
and breathe... I've done this over the years that it doesn't take long for me to go into a
deep REM sleep before the tape is over. The good thing about that is the subconscious
mind is still taking in all the powerful words of the tape while I'm falling asleep.
It is a practice that needs to be learned and not skipped around. At the start, it takes
30 days to acquire this new pattern of thought and reaction in what you are listening to.
This is better than any pill I could take in it's effectiveness and quick acting and no side effects. Whatever works for us is the answer. xx
Agora, I love you my dear friend! You have gotten me thru so much over the last 2 years!
I'm going to do exactly that! I'll start doing my meditation first thing when I wake up and then again during the afternoon and bedtime! I'll do anything I can to make myself better I feel so fully exhausted after this last and current panic I've been in.
I am still so scared that everyone is wrong but I'm doing my best to combat the thoughts. Today has been a bit easier because I've been busy with my niece.
I always value your advice
Have a routine. I get up at the same time whether I’m working or not. First thing I do is feed the cat. Then I make my breakfast and make my bed. Doing this every day insures I’ll be organized and ready to meditate
Thank you! ❤️ she is anything but lovely tho 😂🤣
She's bad. Lol she's the smallest, youngest and she is the boss of the house. Little awnry love bug tho!
Omg if you only knew 😂🤣
She keeps me busy for sure, I've had her since she was 8 weeks old and I lost my job during the pandemic so I have been home with her since she was a baby. I work from home now so she gets upset if I leave her alone in a room that I'm not in and she cries when I leave the house... but when I'm here she's doesn't want me to hold her or cuddle she just tneeds to be in the same room as me. Lol
She steals food from the other cats and from us and she runs around smacking other cats butts she is crazy.
You gave me some strength when I read .I am going to succeed and this shall pass too❤🙏🙏
We can all do it! I know it's hard but we can and we will! I'm here to chat if you want!❤️
Thank you so much answering to me.It is such a comforting feeling helping me.I would definitely chat with you but I am at work , working in daycare and now we put kids in sleep that's why I was able to check my emails.I might write tonight though❤
Of course anytime! I'm always here
That's such a relieve you are always to be there.I have been suffering from Adjustment Disorder .I know what set me off again, I know I am a emotionally sensitive person that triggers my depression .I bought a self help book ( I already have many of them) The Emotionally Sensitive Person is the name of the book.I am gonna read it .I am so glad to be in this support group.I got over this before and I will get over once more.I will write to you again .The mornings are hard to struggle with the emotions , chest tightness, racing heart, sadness ....
Yes that's for sure! ❤️🤣
I have tried a few different types of meditation. And none of them were able to work very well for me. When I’m in anxious places like the dentist or dr , I do the deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly and deep to the count of 4,5,6,7 .. they all have thier different methods. If you inhale to the count of 4 vs 7 , you breathe faster. Then hold for 4,5,6,7 whatever method you are doing. Then exhale for 4,5,6,7 .. and one of the methods has you hold your breath for 7 seconds after the exhale. Repeat until you are relaxed. Some call this box breathing. I probably could have explained it better. Inhale as deep as possible on a 4 count. Hold it for a 4 count, exhale on a 4 count. Repeat. The 5,6,7 counts are different methods. And the breath hold at the end is a different method. This works ok for situations where you can’t use the method I will go into next. My favorite one that works the best.
The Wim Hof guided breathing exercises free on you tube. It’s 30 hard deep breaths . As hard and deep as you can. Almost like you are running a lap around the track. Then exhale and hold your breath 1-1:30-2 minutes. It’s a 3 round deal. Inhale 30 times deep and hard, exhale fully and hold your breath for 1 minute. Then with no rest do it again and hold for 1:30. Then do it again and hold for 2 minutes. If you can’t do the breath hold it’s ok to cheat the last few seconds until you get better at it and can do it. When I started I could barely do it . Then after a couple weeks I was doing it twice in a row. Now I use the 3 round to warm up for the 5 round. There is a 2 minute breath hold at the end of every round in the 5 round. When I’m done with this I am really in a zone . Your body is so oxygenated from the fast deep breathing, you don’t need to breathe during the breath hold. And it’s during the breath hold you get in the zone. Holding your breath makes you panic at first. It’s being able to be calm in the panic that puts you in the zone. It’s a bit hard core and you don’t want to push yourself. I can tell when I’m slacking off because I can’t do the breath hold very easy. They have 3 minute holds and 10 rounds for people in better shape. But I like the 2 minute one . Imagine running a lap around the track, and when you cross the finish line you hold your breath for 2 minutes. Instead of resting and breathing freely. It really gets your body oxygenated, and then teaches you you are so oxygenated you don’t have to breathe for 1-1:30-2-2:30-3 minutes afterwards. It’s belly breathing also diaphragmatic breathing. I tried mindfulness, box breathing and a few more. Nothing can reach deep into my brain like the Wim Hof breathing exercises.
Thank you for all this info! Breathing exercises really help me calm myself down when my heart is racing and I'm in a panic. I haven't tried too much with them tho so I will most definately give this a go!
Ypu spoke about the Wim Hof breathing method, I haven't tried it yet but I've been looking into his stuff for a bit! I've been thinking about doing the cold therapy do you have experience in this? I ordered one of his books!
I will try the breathing for sure!
Yes, I’ve been doing the breathing exercises for 18 months. Working up to doing the 3 round begginer twice in a row back to back. Then doing the 5 round. Using the 3 round begginer as a warm up for the 5 round. I can’t do the last 3 minute breath hold on the 5 round, I barely make the 2-1/2 minute holds. He has a 5 round with all 2 minute breath holds for all 5 rounds. You can get all this free from you tube you don’t have to pay on his site.
The cold water yes, I have been doing it regularly for 9 months. I sit in up to my chin in 40 degree water 7-9 minutes, twice daily. I don’t use a timer I listen to music and watch the clock when I get out. 7-10 minutes it always is. I had to work up to it . I started with 65 degrees and would stay in my cold swimming pool 15 minutes. Going under the water the last 5 minutes several times. Just kept going in daily until winter when the pool was 42 degrees. And only putting my head in the last couple minutes a few good dunks.
This cold water is amazing. I know it sounds harsh to climb in to such cold water. But it’s only hard for 1 minute now. And then you like the next 5-9 minutes. At first it energizes you, and 1-2 hours later come calm . And you have to watch yourself or you might doze off and nap. Really going in the 40 degree water vs going in the 60-65 degrees water, the first minute is a getting used to it minute, and then it’s the same. What I’m trying to say is the first minute in any temperature cold water is almost the same, as the super cold water. Your mind gets tough and doesn’t let you make a big deal about it. 35-40-60 whatever… the first minute is the getting used to minute and then you crave it. I made my own plunge so when the swimming pool is too warm, I have cold water. If you live in a place with cold water, I suggest a bath or a plunge vs a shower. A shower is good for getting used to it. But it is actually harder than a plunge because it can’t hit all of you at once. But do them both so you don’t make a big deal about the cold. And a final tip. If all you have is 60-65 degree water. Stay in 10-15-20 minutes and you can get a good benefit vs 5-10 minutes in 35-40 degrees water. I actually find 20 minutes in 60-65 degrees water harder on my system than 7-10 minutes of 35-40 degrees. Meaning I feel more drained. So you might want to just stay with 10 minutes of all cold water. But the cold water swimmer is in 55-60 degree water for 30-60 minutes each day and is ok ? I like to swim laps and once my pool hits 60 degrees I go to the heated pool vs try to tough it out daily in 50-65 degree water.,I think staying in too long daily can run you down. Always exhale slowly in the cold water. This prevents you from hyperventilating. You can’t hyperventilate if you breathe out slowly. I know hard core athletes are doing this for some kind of edge . But the only ones of us going in 365 days a year. Are the ones with a slight screw loose upstairs. Wim Hof said after his trauma he was drawn to the cold water. And I feel the same way. It’s quite a site to see a 63 year old man sitting up to his chin, fully relaxed in 35 degree water, like it’s bath water. Hands and feet do start to hurt after 7-10 minutes so I bail out. Start with 65-70 degree water and lower 2-4 degrees per week. Good luck you won’t regret it. I think someone on here told me this was a therapy for mental patients from some old woman dr. And it was working, but they had to stop it because they thought it was too cruel. Because the people would freak out and fight it. Vs go into the zen and embrace it. You can look it up.
President teddy Roosevelt used to take a swim in the cold Hudson River each day as a young man. And he would go in every chance he got as an older man. He embraced what he called the strenuous life. Vs the soft life. He was a good kind brave man. And I consider him a man we need more of today. In this soft world of people sitting on thier butts too much. And I have heard many stories of men and women who live in cold places. Going in the ice cold lake for a dip in 35 degree water. And then staying in longer and swimming as it warms up. People have known about the benifits of cold water for hundreds of years. The Scandinavians doing the sauna then jumping in the cold lake. And when the lake is frozen rolling in the snow. Again probably people with a slight screw loose. But it better than turning to illegal drugs and booze. Or being in a bad mood around people. Wim Hof says we are primates. And we were meant to get cold and hot with the weather.
Visualization of parts of the body feeling anxious as floating and stress free helps forehead, bac of neck, and lower back